Originally posted by Revenant_Chaos:
**I lost my pass & am too lazy to go get it so you will just have to put up with the underscore in my name
Can someone explain to me how to have a button trigger spinblocks?
I have 6 spinblocks and 3 buttons. Each button should remove 2 spinblocks when it is pressed. How is this done??**
Spinblocks appear when the button is pressed. If you want them to disappear you have to remove a boulder or rock barrier from the button. The Sprite infos should be (2) for info (0) and the number of the button sprite for info (1).
(Remember to leave the info(0) of the button at (0) or the button will stay down.)
Liz the Wiz
There are two rules for ultimate success in life. (1) Never tell everything you know.
(This message has been edited by lizwiz (edited 01-13-2002).)