I just want to say that if any newbies ever download this game and need help with it, post here. This was 3/4 made for the newbies, and 1/4 becuase I felt this forum needed another topic.
Maniak hacks like
I just want to say that if any newbies ever download this game and need help with it, post here. This was 3/4 made for the newbies, and 1/4 becuase I felt this forum needed another topic.
Maniak hacks like
Heheh... the main thing is to think mobile, and get good at flying well in skirmishes while still being aware that there is a whole big battle going on. Just trying different strategies to finish the same mission is good. Once you become a good commander, and able to move your ships about without thinking, and knowing where to move them, then Ares is a pretty easy game. Ten minutes to learn, ages to master, that's Ares in one.
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-
Yeah. That's usually a good strategy. I also heard this from that Ares Strategy guide:
An expert pilot in a cruiser can defeat an enemy carrier.
You can usually pull this off if you stay behind it. And I've done it.
Maniak hacks like
Useless piece of info: I beat countless Aud users on GR using Sals. The secret? Transport. Also when you build Sal ships, order them to "Activate special" to turn on stealth.
They say America stands for freedom, but if you're thinkin free, try walking into a deli, and urinating on the cheese!
Yeah. That's pretty useful, also. Here's the best way to beat Chapter 3:
1. Start building a ton of cruisers as you can and keep ordering them to head to Demeter Beta.
2. Keep building, and try to overwhelm the Gaitori.
3. When the Carrier shows up, instead, order all the cruisers to attack the carrier.
Do step 3 so to reduce interference.
4. When you've wiped out the Gaitori, send the transport over.
Maniak hacks like
It's more effective to build up a little fleet over your own planet and wait for the carrier to come to you, then take it out, chasing it if necessary back to it's own planet.
their resistance will have collapsed by then...
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Actually you can just assault the planet straight up, building a couple of cruisers and a transport immediately, then if you defend it well enough you can win the mission in record time. Also, just instantly flying to the gatori base works too, ordering cruisers to follow you as you go. You can beat the gunship, and by the time you're engaging the carrier (which you can take out yourself if you need to), you can build a transport and send it to the planet.
Easiest mission in the game.
My original style in Ares relied on dominating a planet with a blockade, then building a transport only when it was absolutely safe. If you think more dynamically, using different groups of ships and different tactics you can win in a much more satisfying tactical way. For example in "You should have seen the one that got away" I built three transports with escorts (Having all my other ships either with me making pre-emptive strikes on ship buildups and transports, avoiding the gateship OR, protecting the power station that is your biggest advantage in the mission) then sent them to the three planets, assaulting the gateship at the same time with all free ships. Two transports landed, one was toasted by the gateship (only to be expected) and I had a huge advantage in that they could only build fighters and I had massive resources to regroup and destroy the gateship (well chase it off anyway).
Also, speaking of tactics, pre-emptive strikes are possibly the most important move to learn, having a strike team at the ready at all times to take out transports, assault transports and engineering pods, that way you prevent the enemy from getting any material advantage. In... um... the one in the human system against the audemedon, three stations in the middle... you can beat them simply by striking against their assault transports, while building your own. With those handy eleejetean cruisers you don't even need backup to do it, you can protect the stations for your own benefit. And Audemedon carriers are a snap to take out with Onas pulse guns, at 1/16 view mode.
Actually that brings me onto another point, dynamic play requires dynamic viewing modes. You have to be able to be in a situation where you are fighting key battles yourself, while overseeing other manuvers and enemy moves on the big views, so you have to be able to quickly scale out and check on things, then scale back in to fight again. And also in large skermishes you are generally flying the most dangerous ship, because you will most likely be the best pilot and so on, so logically you need to take on the most dangerous enemy ships. But in closest hostile mode you can quickly lose track of your target and get caught up with the little guys while your own little guys get a roasting from the big opposition ships. So what you have to do it just zoom in once, to 1/16 mode, which almost always will cover an entire large battle, and re-aquire your target. Otherwise you are at a distinct disadvantage, and will lose your battles. For example in make way you really need at least one gunship, piloted by yourself, to take on the enemy carrier and gunships.
One last thing: Retreat is not nessascarily a bad thing. In captivating, and in... the one with the two stations and the obish destroyer. Anyway, in the first instance, the easiest way to win the level is to assault the tractor moors, release the ship, then get the hell out of there ASAP. In the obish destroyer one you have to take the offensive immediately, destroying all enemy assault transports and pods, then you have to take absolutely all your ships and protect the frieghters, withdrawing from the battle. Of course you should keep a couple of cruisers with your gunship to hold back any assault transports, but when you have the destroyer the mission is a snap. You can just use a belated guillotine.
Wow... sorry for the rambling, I hope it helps someone.
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-
(This message has been edited by Azdara (edited 10-16-2003).)
Ah well...what gives. May as well post something on this board.
From what I remember reading, most of the advice I read regarding that one mission with the Sal battle station in the middle advised the player not to attack the station too early. I say, bologna. What I have always done with that mission is to transfer control from the HVD to a cruiser, build one or two more, and send the Battleship, the Carrier, the cruisers, and the Destroyer to the station at the beginning. After wiping it out, I send the ships to the big planet, all while building more and more. If one does it quickly enough, the enemy base can be captured very easily, and the Sal reinforcements won't ever come.
(Quick question: If you trigger the reinforcements, do I remember correctly that one of the carriers was named 'Rotting Flies' or something similar?)
I don't expect a response, but...oh well :).
Retribution: An Upcoming Plug-in for EVN.
Visit the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) today! Be sure to read the short story ' (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/newsdisplay.cgi?action=topics &number;=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=100&article;=000262&startpoint;=")Fiery Descent(/url)'!
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Nah, the Rotting Flies was on a different level!
This level was good though as it teaches the player not to be afraid of the Sals,
nothing like the sight of two Sal carriers crashed and burning!
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Horrible Flies I thought, not Rotting Flies,
Yes, Horrible Flies, that's it!
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
You have any suggestions for killing the Sal carrier in the Yo Ho Ho level? The only way I beat it the previous times was to restart the level over and over again until the luxury liner was drifting towards the warp gate, destroy the pirates, collect all but 1 of the pods, and hope that the damned tug went through the gate before it was blown up by the Carrier.
I've never killed one of those before. In my opinion, it's the most terrifying ship. Even the Aud Carrier isn't bad if you know what you're doing.
Retribution: An Upcoming Plug-in for EVN.
Visit the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) today! Be sure to read the short story ' (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/newsdisplay.cgi?action=topics &number;=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=100&article;=000262&startpoint;=")Fiery Descent(/url)'!
(url="http://"http://www.cwssoftware.com")Sephil Saga(/url): An upcoming TC, visit the web page today.| | | Both the best and the worst plug-in editor for Windows! (url="http://"http://www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW")EVNEW(/url)!
Send the two heavy cruiser escorts to attack the Sal Carrier immediately when it arrives while you keep close to the Liner. Most of the time the carrier heads straight to the jump gate. When it gets there your two heavy cruisers will distract it long enough for you to nail it with the HVD. I win this level about 95 per cent of the time. (It's a good combat practice level), usually without losing any ships!
The electro-thingy weapon on the carrier will engage the closest hostile to it, be it a missile a cruiser or a HVD - so be close but not the closest when you engage it.
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Memories, memories...
Sequel would be cool... I won't turn into a drooling newbie though. I do, however, think a sequel could make some money.
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It would have to be a cat friendly sequel...!
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Originally posted by Lord Commander Anic:
**It would have to be a cat friendly sequel...!
I can just see it. ARES-REVENGE OF THE CATS coming soon to a website near you!
Maybe one day, i'll stumble across a modable 3d space RPG, and then I may recreate ares in 3d. /me dreams on...
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."-Albert Einstein
Panther, Jaguar,...
...what next, Tiger, Lion.
Any new Ares would need to be X native
(speaking as the last user of OS 9 out there!!)
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Not quite the last.
I never liked OS X anyway...
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Originally posted by Agent_Vast:
**Not quite the last.
I never liked OS X anyway...
If they could just make 9 look like X... (and I'm not talking aqua here)
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