Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • re: MaG scoring for season 2(about the clan ranks)

      I guess I should take a poll on this. here are the relevant points of the (url="http://"")conversation(/url):


      Greybeard: col--the single player ladder is seperate from the clan ladder
      Greybeard: so if they don't score a game on the single ladder it won't be recorded as sp
      Col. El Patrick: so the players in a clan also get points ranked on a clan ladder and this would be counting only games vs other clan players?
      Greybeard: yes
      Col. El Patrick: ah
      Col. El Patrick: so on clan ladder
      Greybeard: but they never appear on the sp ladder
      Onii7: testing
      Onii7: thats better
      Col. El Patrick: ah so a player would be choosing whethere
      Greybeard: right
      Onii7: testing
      Col. El Patrick: to play a clan game or sp game if hes in a clan and facing a member of another clan
      Col. El Patrick: or is that auto a clan game
      Onii7: hmm
      Onii7: hmm
      Greybeard: depends where they score it
      Onii7: hmm
      Col. El Patrick: ah so they choose to score on singleplayer or clan
      Col. El Patrick: i see
      Greybeard: right
      Onii7: hmm
      Col. El Patrick: well i think way it ought to work is that
      Onii7: lala lalala
      Onii7: hmmm....
      Col. El Patrick: the clan ladder would use same ranking as indiv ladder
      Greybeard: and should declare the game type before hand
      Col. El Patrick: yes
      Col. El Patrick: and then the clan clan ladder(lol)
      Onii7: patrick u have Aim?
      Greybeard: heh
      Col. El Patrick: would act when people were playing a game on clan ladder
      Greybeard: yeah--3 ladders in one
      Col. El Patrick: and it would pick up from that game which clan vs which clan
      Greybeard: well actually this makes sense
      Col. El Patrick: and then score it like each clan was the player
      Col. El Patrick: except the lower ranked a player is the less it adds/subracts
      Greybeard: if clannies in the same clan what to dispute rank
      Greybeard: they play and score on the clan ladder
      Col. El Patrick: and then a fourth ladder for the ranking within clan i guess
      Col. El Patrick: or should in clan ranking
      Greybeard: otherwise they score on the sp ladder
      Onii7: holy crap bad icon!
      Col. El Patrick: ah
      Col. El Patrick: yes that makes sense
      Onii7: chagne it fast!
      Col. El Patrick: but then we'd have to pick up the clan clan stuff from indiv ladder?
      Greybeard: might want to explain all this in the rules
      Col. El Patrick: if both players are in a clan and the clans are different
      Col. El Patrick: yeah
      Greybeard: no
      Greybeard: sp is sp only
      Onii7 has left the chat
      Col. El Patrick: well the rank dispute is only within a clan
      Col. El Patrick: or oh
      Col. El Patrick: i see
      Onii7 has joined the chat
      Col. El Patrick: lol me being stupid
      Col. El Patrick: πŸ˜•
      Onii7: got ot change it
      Col. El Patrick: was thinking you were saying that only the clan rank disputes would go on clan ladder
      Col. El Patrick: heh
      Onii7: britny sucks!
      Col. El Patrick: spam spam spam
      Col. El Patrick: πŸ˜‰
      Onii7: u like britny
      Onii7: shes a stupied idiot
      Col. El Patrick: so now were we lol
      Onii7: crap
      Col. El Patrick: alright so the clan clan games for clan ranking vs other clans get picked up from the clan ladder games between players from different clans
      Col. El Patrick: and scored
      Greybeard: basicly I thought that individual scores / top players on the clan ladder are reflective of non same clan games
      Greybeard: if same clan it switches to ranking within a clan
      Greybeard: if scored on the clan ladder
      Onii7: ahhh
      Onii7: thats better
      Onii7: JK!
      Col. El Patrick: hrm makes sense but if score on sp ladder it would not be ranking?
      Greybeard: yes
      Col. El Patrick: so clannies could play against each other for indiv ladder
      Col. El Patrick: alright
      Greybeard: sp ladder ranks all players
      Greybeard: regardless of clan
      Onii7: ok who likes my icon?
      Col. El Patrick: k
      Col. El Patrick: onii stop spamming or you cant be adminl πŸ˜‰
      Greybeard: but the games scored are in 2 different dbs
      Onii7: im just joking
      Greybeard: sp and clan
      Col. El Patrick: alright i guess
      Col. El Patrick: right
      Col. El Patrick: ok then if a player leaves a clan
      Col. El Patrick: i dont think it should effect either clan score or player score
      Col. El Patrick: but
      Col. El Patrick: player rank
      Col. El Patrick: goes back to sgt
      Col. El Patrick: until he joins a new clan
      Greybeard: makes sense
      Col. El Patrick: and that gets carried over to sp ladder, the ranking?
      Greybeard: and score resets to 0
      Col. El Patrick: or should we remove that
      Col. El Patrick: it doesnt make sense to assume
      Greybeard: no
      Col. El Patrick: non-clan is worse than clan
      Col. El Patrick: like we have right now
      Onii7: i can't find any good icons!
      PRoToTyPe: gb u want the clans listed on this too?
      PRoToTyPe: like clan names
      Greybeard: yeah
      PRoToTyPe: k
      PRoToTyPe: gotta do that & im done
      Greybeard: one list should do it
      PRoToTyPe: k
      Col. El Patrick: where a non-clan sgt gets listed as 1000 within the scoring system when it calculates the percentage chance of winning
      Col. El Patrick: which doesnt make sense
      Col. El Patrick: so on sp we will remove the clan rank effecting it i guess
      PRoToTyPe: hmm u want it all on one page? (like 2 columns - players & clans) or a menu to select clan/players?
      Col. El Patrick: and rank will just be to get rank
      Col. El Patrick: πŸ™‚
      PRoToTyPe: i think 2 columns would be better cuz now it looks sorta empty...
      Greybeard: well I thought you asked for
      Onii7: any one have any good icons?
      Greybeard: ranking on the clan ladder
      Greybeard: otherwise sargent for all
      Col. El Patrick: yeah we will leave the rank but make it not effect scoring on sp
      Col. El Patrick: cause on SP there will be non-clan players and their rank of sgt won't reflect their abilities
      Col. El Patrick: so rank shouldnt count in SP scoring
      Col. El Patrick: only in clan ladder scoring
      Greybeard: interesting point
      Onii7: im now know as afoxgg1065
      Greybeard: heh
      Greybeard: Patrick--chat about it with Jimmy and on the message board and see if the ladder can make a decision
      Col. El Patrick: alright guess I'll log this chat and post a topic on the boards

      Greybeard: proto
      Greybeard: maybe the player name
      PRoToTyPe: should i take it for granted that there will be more players than clans?
      Greybeard: should have sp pts and clan pts
      PRoToTyPe: ???
      Col. El Patrick: and rank πŸ˜‰

      Here is the relevant section of the new mag rules


      One formula is used to compute probability of winning:
      Probability = 1 / (1 + 10^(-y / 400))
      However, this forumula will be run once with the difference in ratings as y, and once with the difference in Rank as y. Difference in rank will be calculated as follows:
      Sergeant= 1000
      Lieutenant = 1100
      Captain = 1200
      Major = 1300
      Colonel = 1400
      General/Marshall = 1500
      The results of the two calculations will then be averaged together and fed into this formula, where:

      So th new ladders will go like this
      ---1v1 ladder---
      Β•1v1 ladder
      ---clan vs clan ladder---
      Β•clan player ladder(games between 2 members of different clans who decide to score it on the clan ladder)
      Β•clan ladder(picked up from games scored on clan player ladder, scoring similar to SP ladder except it takes clan scores for % of win calculation and acts like the game on the clan player ladder was actually fought between the two clans.
      Β•ranking ladder within each clan

      So my question is, on the 1v1 ladder, should clan rank be taken into account in the probability of win calculation? after all, a non-clan player will always be ranked Sgt. no matter how skilled he is. this could potentially upset the scoring system allowing non-clan players to be ranked above similarly skilled clan players(because according to their rank they are weaker than these ~ skilled clan players and by going 50/50 vs them the non-clan player will rise above them even though he shouldnt be ranked higher.)

      Of course the rank will be taken into account in probability calculations for clan player ladder.

      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin
      GR/(url="http://"")MaGChat(/url): Col. El Patrick
      #2 on MaG Ares season 1

    • do to patricks concers of some people i was forced to delete my post...

      :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

      GR/AIM- Onii7

      (This message has been edited by Taylor (edited 07-29-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by Taylor (edited 07-29-2002).)

    • Quote

      if any of you want to here more just talk to 418 Dimok!!! hes full of it... tut tut tut

      um...yeah... :rolleyes: πŸ˜• :rolleyes: πŸ˜• :rolleyes:

      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin
      GR/(url="http://"")MaGChat(/url): Col. El Patrick
      #2 on MaG Ares season 1

      (This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 07-29-2002).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Taylor:
      **do to patricks concers of yunger people i was forced to delete my post...


      well i regret maybe i should n't say yunger children.. sorry fokes

      oops this is a web board! i totaly forgot!

      GR/AIM- Onii7

      (This message has been edited by Taylor (edited 07-29-2002).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Patrick:
      **um...yeah...:rolleyes: πŸ˜• :rolleyes: πŸ˜• :rolleyes:


      patrick can i join eastligon when is up?

      Game Ranger: Onii7
      Mag Chat: Onii7
      (AIM) Adium (url="http://"") Onii7
      My Homepage:

      (This message has been edited by Taylor (edited 07-29-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by Taylor (edited 07-29-2002).)

    • you're already in eastlegion lol. all the EL members from .com will be carried over to .net i assume...

      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin
      GR/(url="http://"")MaGChat(/url): Col. El Patrick
      #2 on MaG Ares season 1

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Patrick:
      **you're already in eastlegion lol. all the EL members from .com will be carried over to .net i assume...


      i had no idea, now that i know thank you. will the stats be carried over too?

      Game Ranger: Onii7
      Mag Chat: Onii7
      (AIM) Adium (url="http://"") Onii7
      My Homepage:

    • We are starting a new season when we change to the .net site. All scores will be reset and we have a new set of rules&scoring;(see my post above)

      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin
      GR/(url="http://"")MaGChat(/url): Col. El Patrick
      #2 on MaG Ares season 1