Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Help wanted!

      Axis Software Integrated is dead. Marathon:Invasion and the Ares port aren't anywhaere near off the ground yet . I'd like to get these projects done, but I can't do it alone. Anyone interested say so here.

      (url="http://"") Dig a little deeper (/url)
      (url="http://"")=Axis Software Integrated=(/url)

    • I would be interested, depending on the details and the nature of the help needed.

      Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

    • Ah, Sargatanus is alive and well. You have two friends waiting on your input into Marathon: Invasion, you know...

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only
      Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

    • I'm not so much worried about M:Inv (the Ares version at least). It's this damn Ares port that's been gnawing at me.

      (url="http://"") Dig a little deeper (/url)
      (url="http://"")=Axis Software Integrated=(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Sargatanus:
      **I'm not so much worried about M:Inv (the Ares version at least). It's this damn Ares port that's been gnawing at me.


      I'd worry about only one at a time.
      First get M:Inv done. Then do the Ares Port.

      I'll be willing to help where needed.

      It's time for a new challenge.
      (url="http://"")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
      ...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...

    • Definitely worry about the Ares Port. Just don't do anything yourself.

      M:Inv has work that is specific to you, but there are a lot of qualified people for the Ares Port. And how much of each resource type is completed in what ASI did? I remember seeing some screenshots, but they didn't reveal too much, and Nova is much more capable than it was when the screenshots were put up.

      Oh, and I threw together the buttons, plus an intf and sidebar last night, thanks to a severe concentration problem.

      • CCS Sacred Promise (DE H c-3)
      o SCS Pillar of Autumn
      Our conviction is like an arrow already in flight.
      Your life will only last until it reaches you.

    • I'm expecting someone to tell me to start working again before I actually do... 😛


      Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
      **Definitely worry about the Ares Port. Just don't do anything yourself.

      M:Inv has work that is specific to you, but there are a lot of qualified people for the Ares Port. And how much of each resource type is completed in what ASI did? I remember seeing some screenshots, but they didn't reveal too much, and Nova is much more capable than it was when the screenshots were put up.

      Oh, and I threw together the buttons, plus an intf and sidebar last night, thanks to a severe concentration problem.


      flargh: slank - you realize, of course, that you've just dragged about 40,000 volts of static electricity off the tip of your vacuum cleaner attachments over your CPU.
      -The Construct, Gameranger