Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I will make a special plug just for you

      Just tell me your favorite weapon and race tell me three weapons and it'll be special. just look on the Ares plug page and it'll be there in about 2 to 4 days 🙂 🙂 :frown: :rolleyes:

      Thats where I saw the leprachaun. :points to a rock: It told me to burn things. Ha ha he he hheeehhe, Dying Tickles

      Don't have a cow man!

    • I am sure that anyone so inclined is fully capable of developing their own plug-in. In fact, I'd encourage them to do so. The offer is nice, but unneeded.

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only
      Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy