lol this is like the 500th ares races poll I've seen on these boards..
by the way journalist..sorry to break it to ya, but obish aren't included in multiplayer ares.. :frown:
Well like always in these topics i'll pick Ishiman as the best race. Everything they have is basically the standard for the game. The ship classes interact perfectly making a distinct difference in the outcome of a game based on strategy. The HVD is killer with some intense firepower and low shields so it doesn't stick around too long and make the game stupid.
The audoman would come in second place because i think the computer does an excellent job controlling the cruisers. Probably a better job than i could do making audoman pretty much the easiest race to run on multiplayer.
Cantharians come in third just because i love the HVD. It's weapons look so cool, especially the one that makes huge green splashes all over the screen. Lol it's intense. The cloaking looks cool on the HVD too. I wish i could own one of those HVDs, it would be so slick.
ramble on..
--Jimmy Page
(*)(1st Class Zacha Admiral and guitar legend throughout the sol system.)