I'd like to welcom the latest member of TAG (The Ares Gods), he is Firelizard. He's new to the clan, but not new to the game. After a year in retirement he has come back. You may remember his name all the way back to when the friday tourny's were going on. (or at least i did) Now the friday tourny's no longer exist. Instead they exist on Magleauge, and they go on everyday . That is where you will find Firelizard playing for now. So watch out EL, we're getting some more activity in our clan again. You know what that means...
But we're always looking for some more new members. Remember our tryouts are always availible through me whenever i'm on GR. They're hard for a reason, but there's no limit to how many times you try out. So practice alot and maybe you'll be able to get in here.
ramble on..
--Jimmy Page
(*)(1st Class Zacha Admiral and guitar legend throughout the sol system.)