I have trolled through all the Ferazel Hacking topics for the last year - no mean task to find out if someone else has the problem I have come up with, and I can't find a single refrence to it.
I decided to try Emperor Ent's way of doing levels - one per world - and made a neat boss level. Having done that I went to ResEdit to put it into my main file and discovered that Mascot had generated another 3 levels. Since they contained the level names of my levels 2-4 I re-opened in Mascot and sure enough there was my new level one with levels 2-4 of the full world.
I deleted them with ResEdit but they re-appeard every time I opened the new world. This happened once before which resulted in me inadvertantly sending level 3 to someone.
It's not really that important, but it is interesting.
Why levels 2-4?
Why not all the other levels?
Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Liz the Wiz
"I don't suffer from insanity,
I enjoy every minute of it."