How do you make a puzzle game? I want to make it so that you drag and drop cut out pieces of a puzzle into the layout thing of the puzzle. simple as that.
You can't drag and drop things in coldstone. As far as I know, anyway. Though my knowledge of coldstoning pales in... comparison with... whoever knows the most about it.
I'd use main locations for this. While you can't drag, you can click on what you want to choose and then click on where you want it to go. It would take a very elaborate set of condtionals and globals and stamp controls in events locations, but it could be done. Good luck!
Would anybody be willing to tell me how I could make it so that it outlines the puzzle piece that you choose? I am making this for preschool kids and they have to be able to do it so it must be easy.
Why, you would simply have to change the stamp. Delete the old one and add a new one. Simple, so simple...
Or just add an outline with a transparent center over top of the old one.
If I was going to make something for kids with coldstone a puzzle would not be my first choice. Coldstone is just not capable of recreating the mechanics of a jigsaw puzzle well enough to make it fun for a little someone. If I were you I would make something more like a sliding block puzzle (http://www.johnrausc...zzles/suits.htm) Or ( I think that could be done.
Yoggy, I question whether or not you've actually made a puzzle type of game with Coldstone. As it is, I heartily disagree with your assessment of Coldstone's capability.
I do too. Or at least I disagree with what I said before. Now I think it would be possible to make a simple jigsaw puzzle in a game.
You start out on a map. The whole map is one stamp like the Learning Tree in PoG. The stamp is under the player. The player character image is a hand that you can move around using the arrow keys. on one side of the screen are all the puzzle pieces laid out is a square pattern. (These must be added using stamp control when you load the map). If you move your hand to a tile over a piece there is a event on that tile that sets a global named "gb_Over Piece" to "Horse", "Monkey" or whatever piece your hand is over. Then if you press spacebar or whatever key it will:
• Check to see if "gb_Over Piece" is equal to "Horse", "Monkey" or any other piece name. If is is equal to "Blank" or "0", it will end event.
• Delete the Horse or Monkey stamp. (These must be added using stamp control when you load the map).
• Change the player animation to a hand holding a Horse or Monkey piece.
• Change the cell event under you to "Empty" (This event sets "gb_Over Piece" to "Blank").
• Make "gb_Piece in Hand" be "Horse", "Monkey" or "Tree1".
If you move your hand on a tile over a place where a piece fits into the puzzle it would set "gb_Over Hole" to what ever hole it is. Then If you press spacebar it will check to see if "gb_Over Piece" is equal to "gb_Over Hole". If its not it will make "No can do, bud." Noise and end event. If it is, it will:
• Make the appropriate stamp at the appropriate place.
• Change the player animation to the empty hand.
• Change the cell event under you to "Monkey".
• Make "gb_Piece in Hand" be "None" or "0"
• Make "gb_Over Piece" be "Monkey"
Then there should also be some places where you can always put down a piece and pick it up later.
Debra, on Aug 15 2005, 02:14 PM, said:
Yoggy, I question whether or not you've actually made a puzzle type of game with Coldstone.View Post
We shall see about that!
Oops! I didn't say anything! You heard nothing!
This post has been edited by Yoggy : 19 August 2005 - 10:56 AM