Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Game Source

      Umm, just read the title

      Hello once again,

      I've released a cut down version of my game demo.

      This is being released "As Is" meaning that I will not be supporting this in any form and will be unable to answer questions. (I won't be able to reply to emails regarding the source)

      However you will find that the CS community will be able to answer anything from within this source since that's where I turned to when I needed help.

      If you find it useful and include scripts or other content into your own game, then I request that you include in the credits, "Thanks to Zelda: CGE Source and the CS Boards". (Small request I hope!)

      You may do whatever you wish to this source, EXCEPT release it to websites other than these CS Boards, Nintendo is the current holder of the copyright and trademark of "Zelda". I would hate to remove this source since I'm releasing it to get more interest in CS and/or help for beginners (Like me.......).

      Again, a huge thanks to the CS community, as I move on once again for another two years again! (Maybe will come back in two years again like before.. first trail was the game "Taken by Darkness"), and I'm glad to be able to remove classic again... Assigning memory to apps:( even though I'm a mac user from way back, I'm used to a modern OS, even if it is bloat.

      For me, work once again catches up and I'm investing in starting up a small business non-related to games on the side (I wish it was a game company!).

      Thanks is needed again to the beta team who I would bug for time to time.


      - - -
      Even if the voices aren't real, they have some good ideas.

    • Thank you! I look forward to seeing it. I hope you come on in to this community from time to time, not to answer questions about your source, but just to say hi.

    • I will no doubt as I, like everyone else wait for what we have been hoping for, not iPhone, not a cheap mac, but a way to author and play under the latest version of the Mac OS.

      It'll be good to see if someone decides to go a bit further on the game I released.. I made other "Zelda" elements but never incorporated them into the game itself.. e.g.; cutting plants with an animation.

      With all the graphics there, someone would have no problem creating a dungeon level for the demo as a plug-in. If 10.4 and CS works I may be inspired to continue, but I guess we just have to wait.

      I'm glad there is some interest, it doesn't seem like I wasted five months (slowly, part-time..) making it.

      I'll still except bug reports on the game and maybe roll those fixes into another source release.


    • Hello,
      You did a great job in making that game! I only have 1 question, how do you buy things. I pick them up with a however I can't talk to the shopkeeper.

    • I have to say, that the shop was or is one of the hardest things to do in the my game, I thought it would be easy, but there was so many variations it wasn't funny.

      A few examples from the top of my head;

      What if you walk out of the shop with the shield? (Shop lifting.. And yet the guy will still let Link shop there, after all Link's the only one buying stuff from him)
      What if you have the shield?
      What if you don't have enough money?
      How do you stop the character from picking up another item?
      How do you return items?
      How can you let the shop keeper know that you are just talking for the first time, rather than buying/holding an item.

      Those things are easy, it was making sure the dialogue was correct to allow this. (That was the pain)

      Just put LOTS of conditionals with LOTS of Globals. Don't be afraid to have millions of them, CS can handle it, though I was waiting for a "Limit reached" warning.

      I think this type of shop is far more impressive than what CS natively offers. (It's more interactive and you can build on this experience. To add more items, copy the other events you have, you just have to more ONE item that works first, then it's easy from there)

      You can do also anything in CS, just use lots of globals, even if its for one event. Example;

      EVENT: Talk to shop keeper, EVENT: Talk to shop keeper with item.

      If you play a game of Zelda: AoS or Zelda: LA for GB, you will see I've captured the shop exactly the same. (I was really happy with the shop, I'm sure if someone has done this type of shop with CS, and if they did, I really could have done with the help!)

      ---The only thing I can't stand in CS is when you hit a wall it makes you walk to another location.. ---That's plain sucky.


    • Hi. Where did you get your sound?

    • Hello,

      There's this great thing called "google" now, built-into Safari as well! πŸ˜‰

      I think I just typed "Zelda Sound Effects", or "Zelda midi(s)".

      There's lots of sites that you will find old school (NES/SNES/GBA) midi music and sounds. There's also an emulation tool that will play music from ROMs.

      I hope I shed some light.


    • MayaPLE, on Jan 14 2005, 05:51 PM, said:


      There's this great thing called "google" now
      View Post

      I thought that I had asked a pretty straightforward question. Embarrassing me was not necessary.

    • I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention! (It was meant to be a joke, it musn't have came across that way )

      I'm just saying that uses Macs have made everything easy, from making a game to finding extra content and help on the web.

      Here's a site I used at one stage;


      Has sprites and sounds. I downloaded the music, but made the sprites by my own accord in Photoshop Elements.

      Again, apologises, if the comment offended you.


    • I just tried this game out on my PC and I must say that I'm quite impressed.
      Whoever that will continue this project has a nice ground to work on. If you are in need of a PC betatester you can count on me. I can also beta test the Mac version but since the Mac is my brother's computer, I use the PC much more often.

      Also, I heard that the music was in MIDI. If you want the original music in the game, I suggest that you download Audio Overload.

      AO will play game music exactly as it sounds in the real games. You can convert the music to AIFF format and then through iTunes to mp3. This would make the game bigger but also add a much more realistic feeling to the game.

    • Thanks for the feedback on the game. I'd glad you thought it was okay.

      I'm not sure I'll continue updating this game, now that the source is released with one of the levels, anyone can continue if they have time or the motivation. Thanks for the offer of beta testing.

      I decided on Midi music for the "classic feel". Richard Bannister makes great software for the mac, and I used to play AO in the background. (But with the source, I'm not stopping anyone from adding MP3s/AACs to the game)

      Now I'm back at work, I don't have the time to work in Coldstone, though if I were to continue, I think I would switch to Torque 2D.. ..Mainly because of Tiger support and I'm very impressed with Torque 3D. I actually enjoy using CS, just a shame it doesn't compile for Mac OS X 10.3, but it's not a huge issue. Beenox were making a 3D engine, wonder if they will ever release it to the public rather than for internal use, I'd love to make a Tony Hank game starring the "magical bum" that made an appearance earlier in the series)

      PS Can someone explain why US mangled English is called "English" while true English is called "British English", that's funny. (Maybe I should email Apple before Tiger is released)

    • Humm, and I thought true English was called Auzzie English. Perhaps I'm mistaking it for "the only dinkum way to speak English" English as Auzzie English! πŸ˜„

      Of course, you couldn't say that down in the U.S. southern states. Their way is the most aaawwesome 'n' eeexcellent English, y'all.

      Geez, I hope I didn't insult anyone -- just playing around.

    • Debra, on Jan 27 2005, 11:59 PM, said:

      Humm, and I thought true English was called Auzzie English. Perhaps I'm mistaking it for "the only dinkum way to speak English" English as Auzzie English! πŸ˜„

      Of course, you couldn't say that down in the U.S. southern states. Their way is the most aaawwesome 'n' eeexcellent English, y'all.

      Geez, I hope I didn't insult anyone -- just playing around.
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      Only a little bit. πŸ˜›

      Seriously though, I'd like to meet an Australian who actually uses words like dinkum in conversation without intending it as a mockery (ref, taking the michael ) of the 'image' of Australian language. Bloody weird words, some of them, me old cobbers. Too right they are.



    • Personaly, I would absolutly looooooooooooooooove for Beenox to release their 3d engin. Apparently, it can "virtually create any type of game for personal computers and console systems."-beenox studios. I would fall head over heals in love and snap up a copy of the engin like that! snap fingers In my head, I have been designing a huge amount of games that could definetly beneffit from the release of this engine. (As a matter of fact the "best" (read as "the most developed and polished) game concepts/ideas/whatever will be available on my website as soon as it is up and running.) Until then, my marvelous ideas will become nothing. (These ideas include a ninja-like game involving an evil ring and prince of persia-like gameplay, and what I think is a great concept for a 1st-person shooter/MMRPG of "internal highschool warfare.") Ah, me!

      I apoligize if you think that I was "fluanting" my ideas and the offended you. But, I think they are great ideas, and most of them are very detailed and thought out.

    • Sancatie, on Jan 27 2005, 10:34 PM, said:

      Personaly, I would absolutly looooooooooooooooove for Beenox to release their 3d engin. Apparently, it can "virtually create any type of game for personal computers and console systems."
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      Did they not write the same thing about coldstone? I would not buy it, since they abandoned their last engine and probably would with a new one too. That's just me, though :F.

    • Quote

      by Ledorax:
      (T)hey abandoned their last engine and probably would with a new one too.

      Yes, but remember what happened way back when when we all revolted and that petition was formed and everybody was all angery and hot-headed? Beenox probably will want to avoid that.

      I also figured that the engin would be released to both PC and MAC (this is judged on their current game list, which includes many PC and Mac games, and many for both), which would increase the users twenty-fold. If the same sort of thing would happen if Beenox were to abandon this engine, I think the revolt would create much more publicity, bad publicity.

      On the engine itself, I saw some screenshots back when it was still being shown on their site and it looks absolutly amazing. If I could learn how to use this engine I would be, in the words of the Carpenders singing"On top of the world, lookin', down on creation, da da, etc."

    • TarnΔ‡lion Andiyarus, on Jan 27 2005, 09:23 PM, said:

      Only a little bit. πŸ˜›

      Seriously though, I'd like to meet an Australian who actually uses words like dinkum in conversation without intending it as a mockery (ref, taking the michael ) of the 'image' of Australian language. Bloody weird words, some of them, me old cobbers. Too right they are.

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      Little Johnny Howard does when he is trying "get tough" about an issue. It's a pisser to hear him say "..fair dinkum". ACA the other night had a slow news week so they run a segment on the Aussie accent (feat. Steve: "why do you still have arms" croc hunter.).

      Beenox: Maybe they should release CS as open-source, it's not like it's their baby anyone.
      Beenox 3D: It looked good at the time, but with the APIs in Maya 6 and with the Unreal Engine (one of the few engines to make it on the mac), I think Beenox 3D would have a tough fight on its hand (probably why they didn't release it).

      PS John Howard, go on Rove Live! (when it's back on air)
      PPS Why isn't "Aussie" in the Australian Spell Checker of OS X?

    • When I was doing some research in Australia, I met a very brash man as part of a group. I quite innocently asked him if he was an ocker. Stunned silence. The group then said no, that I'd find real ockers in bars.

      Ah, foreigners!!!

      So "fair dinkum" is out of favor then? As well as Howard?

      (Can I be any more off topic?) (Let's see .... my game's coming along. Just finished plugging the employment events into my game. I counted around 440 jobs, nearly all of which can be repeated.)

      P.S. As much as I enjoy Steve Irwin, I and I suspect others, think he doesn't quite represent the character of a country. What do you expect? He married an American, after all.

    • AFAIK Beenox specifically said that they weren't releasing their 3d engine to the public.
      Nice game.