Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Why only mac???

      Why do they not port it to windows!? >0<;;


    • Its barely on mac as it is.

      They decided to target and corner the underdeveloped 'easy as 1-2-3' mac game dev market.


      ... ** Big O..ACTION!**

    • Look at the FAQ. There are many reasons. Beenox did try making a PC version but it was unstable so they dropped it. That may have just been RB. I'm sure if they wanted to they could just compile CS for PC as well. But that is up to Beenox

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      Cheesiest film line of all time "Flash I love you but we only have 14 hours to save the earth" from Flash Gorden

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Clawz:
      **Why do they not port it to windows!? >0<;;


      Cause them no like windows things. They are... windowish!

      No, really - I think it is because they couldn't for some reason (just better - they cant really support 2 os things, 3 would just make it worse...). You use a windows thingy? ๐Ÿ˜›

      Life is a joke - death is testing your humour...

    • Hah! that beats the most things!
      3 posts at the same time;P

      Life is a joke - death is testing your humour...

    • Heh, that must be some kind of record.

      As for your question Clawz, there are already many similar programs for Windows. As far as we know, Coldstone is the only product of it's kind for the Mac.

      Cosmicrat - Ruler of the universe.
      Cosmic Rat - A rodent in space.
      You decide...

    • There are so many programs and games that are Windows only.
      This one is Mac only.

      K J K
      Karel Johannes Kaurila

    • Quote

      Originally posted by KJK:
      There are so many programs and games that are Windows only.
      This one is Mac only.

      And I agree with Clawz (implied) that a window port would be an outstanding addition to the great ideas that pour out of Ambrosia!
      While I don't ever want to run a windoz machine, I have (on occasion) had to help others operate their machines due to technical problems/software problems. ( I love macs!!) A successful port would be far better than anything they have presently (IMO). Not to mention all the added benefits of an increased user base, ect.

      - - - - - - - - - -
      Just trying...

    • I've just recently "rediscovered" Ambrosia Software, and just spent the last month immersed in EV:Nova. Wonderful game.

      I saw Coldstone and thought to myself "Well heck, if they made EV:N so spiffy, I bet Coldstone will also be quite nice! Maybe I'll even make a game or two!"

      Alas, I finally saw sitting right beneath the logo, no windows support. While Macs are nice (I really do like X) as a .NET developer its just not something I can buy.

      Here's hoping they port it someday...

    • HAHAHAHA!!! This is the one thing that Mac has over Windows. Macs are better then Windows too. I do sometimes wish that I had just one windows so I could play some windows only games, but I prefer a Mac over a windows anyday.


    • Platform wars are not well recieved here. Let's not slip into the "my system is better than yours" game. More to the point, Coldstone builds a game that can be played on either Windows or Mac computers. You don't need a Mac to play it, only to build it. End of discussion.

      My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
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    • Quote

      Originally posted by CosmicRat:
      As for your question Clawz, there are already many similar programs for Windows. As far as we know, Coldstone is the only product of it's kind for the Mac.

      Anybody know of any Windows programs that do the same thing? I just spent all morning looking, and I can't find anything half-decent.

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    • As far as I know there are no equivelents to Coldstone on PC that don't require coding.

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    • Quote

      Originally posted by FunkMaster:
      **Anybody know of any Windows programs that do the same thing? I just spent all morning looking, and I can't find anything half-decent.


      In my expierience, Realbasic, and C++ are the only 2 available to thee PC that would be capable of everything Coldstone is. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

      Coldstone Developer (url="http://"")http://www.warcraftc...gends/main.html(/url)

    • It won't be ported to windoze unless

      1. Ambrosia feels like porting it
      2. There is enough "demand" for it (think EVn)

      Ambrosia Software is a mac-based company. There has been no large demand for a windows version, and I don't think there will ever be. It's buggy enough (grumbles) on OS X as it is. A better idea would be to (url="http://"")switch(/url). ๐Ÿ˜‰

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      -ZeroWing CATS, (url="http://"")All your Base(/url)

    • I personally would love to see Coldstone ported to the PC. One, it will save me many emails from unhappy PC users on why they can't create their own plugins for my game when it is in the features list for my game. Also many of my friends are PC users and have seen what Coldstone could do.

      Just out of curiosity, are there any Mac emulators for the PC that would work for the purpose of using Coldstone?

      Coldstone Developer (url="http://"")http://www.warcraftc...gends/main.html(/url)

    • We Mac users shouldn't give you Windows users Coldstone until you give us RPG Maker. :mad:
      Seriously, there are a TON of game creators that are Windows only. Windows users have pretty much hogged all the game creators. Coldstone is practically all Mac users have. :mad:

      P.S. No, I'm not dead, in case that wasn't clear.

      Someone give me a funny signature! PLEASE!

    • I think there are some Mac emulators that run upto Mac OS 8. If they can run 8.1 then you can run Coldstone. I also think that it should be ported to PC for the following reasons
      ย•It would allow collaboration between Mac users and PC users.
      ย•PC users could make plugin's
      ย•While a there are a lot of Game Makers for the PC most are not very good and none that I can think of equal CS (in functionality and number of bugs ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).
      ย•It would stop all the posts like this asking if CS will ever be made for PC.
      ย•If it is made in RB then it should be easy to re-compile it for the PC. After all, it only requires some to click a box when the compile
      ย•It would mean the target market for CS grows rapidly and therefore more people could buy it and therefore more money could be made from it and therefore (this goes on for ages doesn't it ๐Ÿ˜› ) there would be more reason to continue supporting CS and adding NEW FEATURES.

      And to answer unknowns point about them getting CS if we get RPG maker I have this to say


      If you prefer worse then why don't you use windows ๐Ÿ˜„

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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Pilky:


      If you prefer worse then why don't you use windows ๐Ÿ˜„


      I disagree with you on this one. C++ is still the best RPG maker ever. Why? It has almost no limits.

      Coldstone Developer (url="http://"")http://www.warcraftc...gends/main.html(/url)