Aaack! I am trying to develope an EXTREMELY simple game as a practice run in Coldstone- even lower quality than "Quest for the Magic Cheese". I am running in 10.2, so no compile problems(just the .sav, which doesn't matter as I will play it on my 10.3 partition). There are several things that have bogged me down:
Instead of designing the maps within the editor I find it easier (for such a simple game) to design the entire level (which is 800 x 600 for level #1) in a 3rd party app.- the GIMP. It is basically an open source photoshop. But when I save it as a .jpg, launching the game really screws up the white and pixelates other areas because of the nature of JPEG. When I try .pct, the level's color scheme is INVERTED and everything is blueish green. HELP!
The character movement I want is simple- a picture of a stickman that doesn't change is movement. No visible moving legs, no turning or looking, NOTHING. Just a moving picture. How do I accomplish this???
Thanks in advance!!!