I'm pretty sure, dampeoples, that when you sell a piece of software on the original CD, not a copy, you are not being a distributor of it. It's not legal to make copies of Coldstone and then sell the copies; that's a distributor, which is actually what Ambrosia is and does.
As for the two computers thing, yep, I use one computer as a backup and a way to test some graphics. My game is actually being built with Coldstone on one computer with a backup of the game on an external hard drive.
Where I work, licenses are tightly disciplined. They are experts, and do say that since I can only be at one place at a time, it's borderline, but okay to have the same software applications on two computers that only I use. I have a LOT of software applications for my work. But, and it's happened, if I want a colleague to have a particular software application that I have, then the department has to buy another copy.
This is, of course, between crizak and nod, however.
I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and it's good to post these disagreements in such a courteous way. Thanks everyone!!!
-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions