Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • My ending for my game (STEAL AND HAVE YOUR EYES TORN OUT)!

      this is the ending of my game after defeting the final enemy avenging your fallen comrads friends and family and about to destroy all of his minions and demons the evil power of your sword overtakes you and you rule the land and enslave the human race for it was your swords will from the moment you touched it's handle it knew it could take conroll of the darkness in your heart and take the world when it's oppertuniy presented it self...

      do you like it please tell me what you think and what changes you would make

      Every thing that has a begining has an end.
      -Agent Smith

      (This message has been edited by Yeroc (edited 11-16-2003).)

    • Yeroc, your posts are very hard to read with no punctuation and no capital letters at the start of each sentence. Please try to make it easy for people to understand what you are saying. Shouting idle threats at us in your topic title does not make friends either. Please understand that this forum functions to help each other solve problems, not create them. I don't know of anyone here who wants to steal your ideas. If your ideas are that good, and you know it, keep them to yourself.

      Now about your ending: You are making a role-playing game. I play the role of Mr. Nice Guy. I defeat the evil monsters to help my friends and family. Now, suddenly, the "game" turns against me and forces me into a role of Overlord. I turn against my friends and family to enslave them. I'm not having fun with this anymore. I know I will be punished for this somehow, if only to lose sleep over the fact that I can't be Mr. Nice Guy ever again. Additionally, you are giving the sword a will of its own. The sword has personality and a desire to control the world. It becomes an NPC which I cannot defeat.

      Conclusion: Making the player accept a role he did not chose for himself will probably not succeed. If I couldn't throw this evil sword in the dump, I'd quit playing the game. Give it some more thought. Remember that the player wants to win.

      My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
      The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
      (url="http://";=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG. (url="http://"")RD-DEL(/url)

    • Hmmmmmm. De ja vΓΊ. I'm sure that there was a topic like this a few months ago. And RD answered in exactly the same way.

      (url="http://"")M cubed homepage(/url)
      (url="http://"")Coldstone Resource Centre(/url)
      Cheesiest film line of all time "Flash I love you but we only have 14 hours to save the earth" from Flash Gorden

    • Yeroc sez

      Robble, Robble !


      ... bwahhaaaaahaaaaaugh fooooolish sammurai.

    • You're thinking of what the playwriting world calls a "reversal." Basically, it's a good idea. A basic rule of thumb here is that the Player doesn't change, but the world or some aspect of the world does change. The only way for your idea of Player-changing-to-evil to work is if the Player is a bad guy in the first place, and the person playing the game knows that he values evil. (I think there's someone here building a game like this!) The best kind of reversals, though, are when the person playing the game is surprised. To do this effectively, you have to build in the possibility of reversal within the story of the game; otherwise, it won't make sense to the Player. It will lack credibility. And it needs to come at an unexpected time.

      RD has an excellent point, though. Unlike theatre, the Player is both the protagonist and the audience. You can get away with reversals at the end of a play because you're targeting the audience. But as the hero (protagonist), the Player will think it sucks if you end your game this way. So your game can't end here. The Player will need to be able to deal with the reversal.

      -- Debra
      Danillitphil Productions

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Yeroc:
      ****** snip *** do you like it please tell me what you think and what changes you would make**

      Okay! You ask for some suggestions, how about this? Have the first ending be; you get taken over by the sword. Make the player do something that they wouldn't want to do (like throw the sword into a pile of evil goo). This would create an evil army. And the sword becomes the NEW NPC you must fight. It would turn into a character, with it's own motives, goals and be FAR worse a fight for you to go through. This way the player could watch all of their hard work be completely undone. The player would have to continue to get stronger before they could attack the SwordPlayer.
      Just a suggestion, mind you.

      - - - - - - - - - -
      Just trying...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
      Yeroc, your posts are very hard to read with no punctuation and no capital letters at the start of each sentence. Please try to make it easy for people to understand what you are saying.

      i could understand him just fine and your repeat opinion of peoples spelling unless specifically asked for, treads very close to the breaking of web board guidelines.


      Postings should be brief and to the point. Don't wander off-topic, don't ramble and don't post messages solely to point out other people's errors in typing or spelling. These, more than any other behavior, mark you as an immature beginner.


      yeroc, i do understand your wish to have your "ideas" remain yours, BUT they are as old as time and have been used in games, movies, books and anime.

      for instance your idea of a magical weapon corrupting its user has recently been done in warcraft 3 hence the premise of the main bad guy in the expansion and also it is akin to the lord of the rings in which the bearer of the ring is constantly pulled down into wearing and later on changing because of the ring, typically for evil.

      the idea of a magical weapon raising the undead has been done in so many rpg universes (staff of the undead etc) that the idea is wholly common place in any tabletop rpg. if you want to include these in your game, that is wonderfull and i truly whope you can pull it off, but please dont warn everybdy about stealing ideas which you have simply borrowed from pop culture.

      as for having the weapon turn you bad at the end of the game, this idea would work, as llong as the user knew it was coming. like say when you 1st get this weapon, you are warned that its power is terrible to behold and the wielder of such a weapon would surely submit tot he weapon itself. or say its cursed, or evil etc. that way when the user reads this and later picks up the weapon they have a premonition as to what may happen in the future.

      now that the player knows the weapon may work evil upon its user maybe have the ingame hero character do something out of character in a evil way once in a while to show that the weapon is working it wiles upon his spirit. this way maybe the player can see the character break down over time. it would be like in lord of the rings if frodo was more heavily consumed by the ring, along the way maybe killed a party member in secret, and at the end decided he wanted saurons power for himself and became the new dark ruler or something. the reader would be subject to the rings work along the way so this idea of the character turning suddenly evil wouldnt be such a jarring surprise.

      (url="http://"")Coldstone Links For - Art, 3D, Animation, Audio/Video, Backup, Notes, Maintenance, Problem Solving, Tips and tricks.(/url) Morvera ner Morden

    • Quote

      Originally posted by DJ:
      i could understand him just fine and your repeat opinion of peoples spelling unless specifically asked for, treads very close to the breaking of web board guidelines.

      I am not surprised you could understand him. You write in a very similar style. At least I'll give you credit for putting periods at the end of your sentences and an occasional comma in the text. Please re-read my post. Not once did I pick on his spelling, nor shall I criticize yours. Punctuation and capitalization promote clarity.

      I am very familiar with the guidelines, thank you. You, apparently, are not.

      My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
      The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
      (url="http://";=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG. (url="http://"")RD-DEL(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
      **I am not surprised you could understand him. You write in a very similar style. At least I'll give you credit for putting periods at the end of your sentences and an occasional comma in the text. Please re-read my post. Not once did I pick on his spelling, nor shall I criticize yours. Punctuation and capitalization promote clarity.

      I am very familiar with the guidelines, thank you. You, apparently, are not.


      Postings should be brief and to the point. Don't wander off-topic, don't ramble and don't post messages solely to point out other people's errors in typing or spelling. These, more than any other behavior, mark you as an immature beginner.

      what did you correct?

      whats it say in the rules?

      who's familiar with the rules?

      (url="http://"")Coldstone Links For - Art, 3D, Animation, Audio/Video, Backup, Notes, Maintenance, Problem Solving, Tips and tricks.(/url) Morvera ner Morden

    • Quote

      Originally posted by DJ:
      **what did you correct?

      whats it say in the rules?

      who's familiar with the rules?

      As moderators, we have the responsibility to interpret the rules in order to try to maintain an atmosphere where people can be helpful to each other. RD did not "break" any rule here. You seem to have taken what he wrote and used it for your own purposes, and managed to treat RD with a great deal of disrespect in the process. Yeroc's post is difficult for some people to read due to a lack of punctuation. So is yours and some others who post. The moderators on this board, including myself, have done nothing but try to help, and sometimes it's a request for writing more clearly. At no time did RD or anyone else debase Yeroc for the lack of punctuation. DJ, in my opinion, you did debase RD for doing his job. It needs to end now.

      By the way, welcome back DJ. Haven't heard from you for a while.

      -- Debra
      Danillitphil Productions

      (This message has been edited by Debra (edited 11-16-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by DJ:
      ***** snip all *****

      Hey DJ. Welcome back to the boards. Glad you're here. We aren't all necessarily friends, but we are friendly! I'm sure you will fit in again. Just be patient and you'll do just fine. I'm looking forward to some more of your graphics! They are great.

      - - - - - - - - - -
      Just trying...

    • Maybe his use of punctuation wasnt perfect, but was it really worth commenting on? He could have used the worst grammer in the world and its still only gonna add seconds to the time it takes to read and understand. Writing a few paragraphs about it takes a lot longer, i'm sure there's a more productive way you could spend your time.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
      I am not surprised you could understand him. You write in a very similar style.

      You'r not very nice, are you? Now that this thread has "wandered off topic" or whatever it has, why not keep on wandering... Forever...

      And your story: the game could end like that and then you could make a sequel where you play as a new hero trying to defeat the last one πŸ˜‰
      (url="http://"")Ledorax Land(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Debra:
      **As moderators, we have the responsibility to interpret the rules in order to try to maintain an atmosphere where people can be helpful to each other. RD did not "break" any rule here.

      i never said he broke a rule πŸ™‚ please read what i wrote. i said he treaded closely.


      You seem to have taken what he wrote and used it for your own purposes, and managed to treat RD with a great deal of disrespect in the process.

      part of what he stated is clearly outlined as something not to do in the web guidelines debra. the reason he didnt break the rules is because it wasnt a stand alone post. however the fact remains that reminding people of thier typing is frowned upon in the web guidelines. how is pointing this out disrespectfull? i did not call names nor did i even say he broke a rule. please refer to my original post and point me to the clearly malevelant tone you detect in ref to RD.


      Yeroc's post is difficult for some people to read due to a lack of punctuation. So is yours and some others who post.

      i dont like the way some people drive, or behave themselves in public, yet it is not my duty to CORRECT them in public as long as what there doing is not against the RULES. nor is it yours as a moderator as long as rules are being followed. if said person/persons would like thier typing corrected then im sure they would simply state so.


      At no time did RD or anyone else debase Yeroc for the lack of punctuation. DJ, in my opinion, you did debase RD for doing his job. It needs to end now.

      i am seriously confused, where is this defacing of ones character in my post? please debra again point out EXACTLY where i took such a tone and stance in my simple original post in which in your opinion i have "debased" ones character.

      i simply thought it not fair to publicly correct someones typing as touched upon in the rules and very simply pointed out so. im sorry i did not lay icing on seven layers thick so involved parties wouldnt get offended. i find speaking plainly in forums is often best so not to be taken out of context. was my original post in anyway shape or form as tort as RD's rebuttal? debra, i feel i am being publicly accused of false malevolence in my original post and am therefore defending myself publicy.

      birds of a feather flock together, make sure it is not in error.

      (url="http://"")Coldstone Links For - Art, 3D, Animation, Audio/Video, Backup, Notes, Maintenance, Problem Solving, Tips and tricks.(/url) Morvera ner Morden

    • Damnit! i didnt post that for people to correct my writing. i want to know if you thing the ending for my game is cool

      Every thing that has a begining has an end.
      -Agent Smith

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Yeroc:
      Damnit! i didnt post that for people to correct my writing. i want to know if you thing the ending for my game is cool

      Hey Yeroc; for the most part yes, people like it. They (and I) think it should be worked on a little however. (Read above past the hybor-goop)
      No one will steal your work(exactly). That isn't the way things work. But, If you don't want someone else to steal anything from you, don't say/show anything about it. They may not use the exact work you have, and in their eyes, it's not yours, because they had that idea once too.
      About anything you come up with will have been used by someone, somewhere. My ending is used in the Zelda series and the Farscape tv shows. But, it is still mine, because it isn't exactly like theirs. See my meaning? As long as I can prove the difference in court (if necessary), then I can do it. If in doubt, talk to an attorny!

      - - - - - - - - - -
      Just trying...

    • If you can pull it off well, it sounds good. Sounds like the end of Diablo (I've heard), with a little twist. You'll need a sequal planned or else everyone will get really mad.. πŸ™‚

      They say that if you play a Windows Install CD backwords, you hear satanic messages. That's nothing; play it forward and it installs Windows.
      --thanks to TBobMac

    • yeah i never thought about diablo, i guess the only reason why i could care less about it happening in diablo is because i was a generic rpg hack n slash character the whole time with very little character interaction, and my guy had no background story etc. now in diablo 2, fighting your former selves as demons was kinda cool because that little bit of story interjected at the end of diablo 1, aka your guy jamming the evil stone in his nogin and becoming pure evil. but at the end of diablo 1 when he did it, im like, i could care less because i didnt know my character and he had zero personality. i think it worked so people didnt get pissed off about something bad happening to thier character at the end, but it sealed diablo 1 as very non story and non personall, and a good hack n slash. which is good or bad, pending what you want to play. i think the worst is a mid ground where people think its something its not and it doesnt deliver on a competitive scale to similar offerings. it may still be a good game with a somewhat decent storyline, but people may be ticked because they either wanted more or less, so possibly clearly defining your games area instead of a shady or gray area, might better help the public choose what they like to play.

      its like i used to look at games like rainbow six or ghost retard or simple scrolling shooters and think, man, these stories are barely tried, i dont see a effort even. i think thats because there betting thier books on the gameplay soley and arent going to make the story something that people hem or haw over that may or may not have been good.

      i had the same problem with my game, do i make a fun good story, do i make it a simple follow an shoot em up, or do i delve deep and try hard. at 1st i was going to try the midground, but then it just seemed like a half story couldnt tell all of the story, and keeping it duh simple just didnt entertain my brain so im now ass deep in story trying to write it all up!

      peace, hope i helped!

      (url="http://"")Coldstone Links For - Art, 3D, Animation, Audio/Video, Backup, Notes, Maintenance, Problem Solving, Tips and tricks.(/url) Morvera ner Morden

    • Ladies and gentlemen. We, the moderators, have no problems with discussions of games and game ideas here. Unfortunately, this thread has gone a bit too far afield, and as such, has become too hard to follow - and making it comprehensible again would take too much work and effort. Yeroc, feel free to begin a thread about game endings again (albeit one with a more practical title, please) but let's try to stay marginally on topic there, if and when.


      Posted Image


      "Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"