Actually, I think it does delete NPCs/items (though I haven't checked
which should be apparent if you look at the code below.
Here's the code broken down:
--Stat Screen event activated--
gb_skills_playerX is set to the player's X location (it's a built in variable: &&PlayerX;)
gb_skills_playerY is set to the player's Y location (built in variable: &&PlayerY;)
gb_skills_location is set to player's location (built in variable: &&LocationName;)
Stats screen is loaded, player leaves map.
--Stat Screen event ends--
--Player finishes at stats screen by clicking button activating Return to Map event--
Player's coordinates are set to gb_skills_playerX and gb_skills_playerY
Map name stored in gb_skills_location is loaded (as if you had just walked onto it from another map).
--Return to Map event ends--
If you use a save/load location, it will record this data AND item/NPC/event status/everything about the map you leave 
However, if the loss of dropped items/NPC positioning is not an issue in your game then you can use the above algorithm (the stuff in the code).
EDIT: I'm tired and that leads to bad very grammar and clarity bad and bad speling and... 
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(This message has been edited by CI-Ia0s (edited 11-06-2003).)
(This message has been edited by CI-Ia0s (edited 11-06-2003).)