I have a question (:-o)
is there anyway to change the hero animation when the player is using a certain combination of items? like an axe and a shield or an axe and no shield?
I have a question (:-o)
is there anyway to change the hero animation when the player is using a certain combination of items? like an axe and a shield or an axe and no shield?
Originally posted by Ledorax:
is there anyway to change the hero animation when the player is using a certain combination of items? like an axe and a shield or an axe and no shield?
Of course there's a way, but you probably don't want to hear the answer. Make new graphics with the equipment you want and then use 'change player portrait.'
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The (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/rduck/")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
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yaya, I know that:P but how do I make it change when the player wears different armor, shield and weapon?
Ledorax sez:
**yaya, I know that:P but how do I make it change when the player wears different armor, shield and weapon?
in the equip event links, include a 'change player map icon' action.
specify the animation you want to use, ta da....but when it comes to shields and such i wouldn't do it...are you aware of the number of combinations you would have to plan for for just 4 of each type (shield,weapon,armor)? i believe its 64.
i've never played an RPG with less than 20 weapons for the hero, not a charming image.
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... bwahhaaaaahaaaaaugh fooooolish sammurai.
But I want to do that I know that it will take some time to make all of the animations but can you tell me if it is possible to make it change when using a certain COMBINATION of items?
Originally posted by Ledorax:
can you tell me if it is possible to make it change when using a certain COMBINATION of items?
Of course - when each item is equipped, have it set the appropriate global variable (&&gb;_ShieldType ?) and then call the "ChangePlayerAppearance" event, which would be scripted like this:
If (&&gb;_ArmorType isEqualTo 1) then
If (&&gb;_ShieldType isEqualTo 1) then
If (&&gb;_WeaponType isEqualTo 1) then
set player map icon to "heroWithPlateArmorTowerShieldAndBroadsword"
else if (&&gb;_WeaponType isEqualTo 2) then
set player map icon to "heroWithPlateArmorTowerShieldAndBattleAxe"
else if (&&gb;_WeaponType isEqualTo 3) then
set player map icon to "heroWithPlateArmorTowerShieldAndWiffleBat"
else if (&&gb;_ShieldType isEqualTo 2) then
'You can either be on the stage, just a performer, just going through the lines...or you can be outside it, and know how the script works, where the scenery hangs, and where the trapdoors are. Isn't that better?'
-- T. Pratchett
heh, thanks for the help