Originally posted by OgreBob:
**I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work, DJ. If you set his movement speed to 0, he wont stop trying to move towards the target, he'll just think that hes still walking, and will keep doing it. Once you reset the speed, he will still walk towards the target. Also, i believe 0 isnt totally stopped. It's just really slow.
One thing I have speculated is, after casting a spell like that, making all movement tiles around the player inaccessible, but i can see where this may cause some problems if an enemy is right next to the player. Or a passive NPC. Then again, maybe not. Try that. Make PlayerX -1, playerY -1, PlyerX,PlayerY -1, etc. inaccessible. Another thing I have thought of is making the "cast" animation of the hero be fairly long, but, that could be annoying in more than one way, and maybe not even work.
Another thing you could try is, as soon as you cast the spell, relocate the player to the cell that he is standing on. This may interrupt the moving process. This could even work pretty good if his cast animation is playing out, because it wont look like TOO much of a jump.
Just a few ideas :).
Thanks,wouldn't just making the cell that the player is standing on inaccessable? It works on NPCs.
Coldstone Developer