Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
Sounds like the cart before the horse to me. I certainly wouldn't want to sign onto a team and then think "I don't like this project he's chosen."
Yep, I was thinking the same thing.
In business if you are looking to attract investors/partners, you need to start with an idea and make a plan out of it. Draw up what you plan to do, what the goals are, how you intend to do it, what resources you need, etc. You then take this to people and, if they like it, will sign on to it. But no one wants to sign onto a project that A) they don't know what it will even remotely look like, and
is disorganized, and C) aren't sure that it will get off the ground.
That being said, the business plan does not have to be rigid. You can certainly allow for changes in storyline, etc. But you need to have a model to follow, which typically means having a base plot. From there, others will have ideas that can contribute. But they need to be focused on the base idea else it will be a large collaberation of differing and competing ideas which isn't conducive to getting a single product out to market.
So I'd recommend sitting down and figuring out the above questions, make yourself a plan for the game(what will it be, whats the basic premise, what do you need) and then either post again asking for help or approach people individually and pitch your idea to them.
Good luck!
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