you guys all know, but what exactly is Karma on this website? and how do you get it higher?
and what does it mean?
you guys all know, but what exactly is Karma on this website? and how do you get it higher?
and what does it mean?
if you scream and yell and swear and are a general pain then your karma is rated down till you dissapear. if your nice and generally help people with questions and or are a fun person round the forums moderators will finally take notice of you and rate you higher. its somewhat of a rating system i guess on what kind of person you are.
this link explains some of it
Morvera ner Morden
On the Coldstone boards Andiyar and I typically employ the following logic for karma:
If you are a positive contribution to the Coldstone community, then you will be rewarded with karma.
If you negatively impact the Colstone community, then you will have your karma lowered until you cease the activity or until your karma hits -10 which bans you from the boards.
Positive contributions range from being helpful by answering user questions, to uploading files for the community to use(pictures, music, coldstone games, tutorials, etc), to writing Colstone-related stories and posting them to the Chronicles board, etc. Basically contributing to the community in a good way.
We also don't let the karma flow freely, as we both agree that an overload of karma makes it meaningless. So many members around here do contribute and are appreciated, but haven't had their karma adjusted recently if at all. This isn't a slight to them in the least; they just haven't had it raised.
Finally, karma is a nice thing to have but is generally not worth a whole lot. The only karmic number that matters is -10 as you are unable to post to the boards at that point. So just don't worry about karma and try to be a positive influence on the community, and you'll be just fine.
(edit) Typo (/edit)
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(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 03-16-2003).)
What Stark said pretty much covers how we deal with karma on the CS boards. Other boards, and moderators, of course, have their own likes and dislikes and award karma differently. I myself have raised karma twice on a whim because a post amused me, but this didn't occur on the Coldstone boards.
If you are helpful, friendly, and make contributions to the community you'll find that you have no problems with karma. If you are offensive, act in ways to the detriment of the community, flame, etc. your karma shall be docked.
This is not to say that Stark and I personally police the board and dock every post we don't like. Far from it. If someone, as an example, posts a thread about the detriments of using the CGE and uses intelligent, well thought out arguments, then we'll just sit back and watch (and probably participate ). If, however, said poster posts things effectively slamming Coldstone, using offensive language, etc, they shall be slapped.
And another thing... a warning for some of the more 'ancient' members. Although we do take a liberal view towards people's opinions, Stark and I have both agreed that anyone that posts material that is designed to denigrate either an individual or game in an offensive manner will be punished for it. The example that has caught our eye most recently has been the upsurgence of the 'You are an Idiot' flash clip. By agreement, we issue this warning: anyone posting this clip, or material of any similar nature, will be penalised. Even if it is a joke, it's still over the line folks.
And last but not least, welcome PsychoTycho! In case you haven't guessed, I'm the other active CS mod (less active recently due to computer troubles ) and I hope you stay around and enjoy the community.
"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
The example that has caught our eye most recently has been the upsurgence of the 'You are an Idiot' flash clip. By agreement, we issue this warning: anyone posting this clip, or material of any similar nature, will be penalised. Even if it is a joke, it's still over the line folks.
Agh!!! Kill kill kill!
/me repeatedly clicks on Andiyarus's karma button but to no avail.
I hate that thing. With a passion.
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Welcome to the boards, PsychoTycho. May your stay be prosperous.
Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
**The example that has caught our eye most recently has been the upsurgence of the 'You are an Idiot' flash clip. By agreement, we issue this warning: anyone posting this clip, or material of any similar nature, will be penalised. Even if it is a joke, it's still over the line folks.
Hint taken, Ben. I'll cease and desist. (normal smilie)
A tomb now suffices for him for whom the world was not enough.
thanks guys... but what are you talking about with this graphic? It sounds annoying
Originally posted by PsychoTycho:
**thanks guys... but what are you talking about with this graphic? It sounds annoying
Basically, it is an insult. A user directs his opponent to a certain link (I'm not posting it for fear of Stark ;)), and when the window opens a group of smilie faces appears and begins singing "You are an idiot." This satanic chorus may be accompanied by several IE scripts that may cause inexperienced users to crash their computers and lose unsaved data. Because of that danger and the general offensiveness of the link, the mods frown on its use.
As to my comment, I had been using a non-fatal version of the link in a somewhat clever way, preventing the target from knowing my true thoughts, and at the same time telling the more veteran users my exact opinion of the target. I shall aamend my deviant, evil ways.
A tomb now suffices for him for whom the world was not enough.
(quote)Originally posted by Celchu:
**Basically, it is an insult. A user directs his opponent to a certain link (I'm not posting it for fear of Stark;). And Stark, I hate that link far more then you. Oh so much more. Because of that link my laptop died, has been reformatted five times in the past nine days, and is going into the Apple Centre tomorrow, probably to have the hard drive replaced. Did I mention I hate that link?
"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
(quote)Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
**Sigh. So I'm not scary anymore?:) (I used search but couldn't locate such a post, so I'm assuming it doesn't exist)
Originally posted by Catfish_Man:
**A link busted your hard drive!? It may be an annoying link, but you've gotta admit that whoever figured out how to break hardware with a web browser was pretty ingenious. I can't imagine how one would do that (especially since IE isn't nearly as integrated into the system on Macs).
It was one of those links that crashes your web browser, with windows that spawn copies of themselves. Evidently, that was the catalyst for a major screw-up somewhere, which had probably been building for a while. And no, we don't have to admit that they were ingenious, we have to go 'visit' them with an axe.
A tomb now suffices for him for whom the world was not enough.
Originally posted by Celchu:
**It was one of those links that crashes your web browser, with windows that spawn copies of themselves. Evidently, that was the catalyst for a major screw-up somewhere, which had probably been building for a while. And no, we don't have to admit that they were ingenious, we have to go 'visit' them with an axe.:)
Ok, in that case, I agree with you. If they'd figured out how to break a hard drive with a web browser, then you would have to complement them before beheading them (or visit the person who wrote the drivers for your hard drive with an axe, for putting in things that could break it).
Originally posted by Catfish_Man:
**Ok, in that case, I agree with you. If they'd figured out how to break a hard drive with a web browser, then you would have to complement them before beheading them (or visit the person who wrote the drivers for your hard drive with an axe, for putting in things that could break it).
Oh actually, it turns out it wasn't the hard drive. I was doing a couple of things in Chimera when the system completely locked out after clicking on the aforementioned link - out of RAM, I believe. At any rate, the system went boom..... and it fried the logic board. It's currently getting replaced. Which, of course, makes me very, very happy.
"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
and it fried the logic board. It's currently getting replaced.
They have logic boards in Austrailia?
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An Apple Computer is an Apple Computer, and they all have logic boards
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Someone obviously missed the humor. :rolleyes:
(edit) botched smiley (/edit)
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(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 03-28-2003).)
And the humour.
-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions
(This message has been edited by Debra (edited 03-28-2003).)
Originally posted by Debra:
And the humour.
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(quote)Originally posted by Debra:
**And the humour.;)
"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
lol wow that was funny... about one or two replies every couple days, and then BOOM! I check my mail and I have about 7 replies; then the next day about 5 more! lol wow thanks guys that does help