Yes, this is all side effects of the same bug: the compilation comes to an unexpected halt which prevents the copy of any additional media (sounds, movies, music), prevents the registration process to complete, and finally, prevents the copy of a file needed under Windows.
- This is definitely a weird bug. It may be caused by RB or maybe it's something within the code of Coldstone that is messing up RB. To put it simple, it reaches the end of a function but doesn't seem to return to the previous function on the stack. Actually, it goes into an infinite loop but since it's in a thread executing in the background, it doesn't freeze the app. Again, there's nothing to conclude from this, just that I'm investigating the problem.
- I would be suprised if it would be directly related to file size (single or multiple). Number of files? Perhaps. However, as David mentioned, PoG was compiled with Coldstone and has probably more files than any of your game."
Any update on a workaround for this fatal bug?