Hello, all.
I was wondering if anyone here was attempting or was interested in a joint-team effort build. I bring this up becauase, as much as I have a desire to create a game, I find that I have several hang-ups. I am experiencing a little trouble creating an interface that I am happy with and I am also at a loss for character animations and NPC/Monsters. I have a fairly substantial grasp on 3D modeling and I have made several map items and 3D buildings and objects. I also have a competent understanding of the Coldstone engine and the nuiances of game creation.
It just seems, sometimes, that the entire task of creating a game I am happy with seems daunting. Making all the animations for spells, creating all the different map tiles for map creation, creating all the different NPC dialogs, movement of the plot in a straightforward yet colorful and creative way. All of these tasks laid upon one person can seem (and truly be) overwhelming.
So, the gist of my topic here is see if anyone out there would be willing to create a joint-venture creation. I am a Multimedia Engineer and I work for a production company and I am production coordinator so I feel confident in designating tasks, projects, and aspects of game creation to those parties involved. A full and fair stake in anything that is created. Everyone involved will be an equal partner in every aspect ranging from simple game mechanics to overall plot and direction.
So, if any of you are interested, please let me know by email.
Thank you.
-Adam S.
p.s. I assume this has been tried before. If anyone has any feedback on how those joint-ventures went, please, fill me in on those as well. Thank you.