Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Modify Stamp Bug

      Hi, is it just me, or does modifying a stamp by name not work? I can add a stamp, and then delete it by name, but if I set the action to modify, and try to change the picture or location, nothing seems to happen. Does anyone know anything about this? I'm using the OS X version of the editor (1.0.1) if it matters (but it oughtn't to.)

      It just bugs me that everytime I figure out a way to do something I run up against a bug... bleh. This isn't a fatal problem, since I can delete the stamp and create a new one, but it means storing the coords instead of the name, which means twice as many globals necessary, which means scrolling through a pop-up with twice as many items... bleh. I'm thinking about writing an event compiler. I've already writen the de-compiler... Programming through dialogs... ahem. sucks. :frown: (But having a map editor rocks! Yay not writing your own engine and editor! 🙂 )

      Thanks for any help,

      PS Is there a list of outstanding bugs one can look at somewhere? To see what other problems your likely to run up against in the future, and to know if the bug you're cussing out has already been reported? (Like that dratted setting movement speed to 0 being equivalent to setting it to 1... grrrr)


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Katharos:
      PS Is there a list of outstanding bugs one can look at somewhere? To see what other problems your likely to run up against in the future, and to know if the bug you're cussing out has already been reported? (Like that dratted setting movement speed to 0 being equivalent to setting it to 1... grrrr)

      See below. 🆒

      I don't know what I'm talking about.
      (url="http://"")Coldstone 1.0.1 Bug List(/url) - last update 10/10/2002

    • Thanks Glenn! I remember that I've followed that link in your sig before, but I'd forgotten about it since the last time I was actively using ColdStone (I fade in and out...). I didn't see this bug in your list though, maybe no one else feels the need to modify stamps... It seems pretty useful for puzzles though. I guess it's time to figure out a new game plan <heh heh> and use add and delete instead of modify.



    • Oh i'm depending on the stamp action , its very vital when you have a level select screen with thumbnails on it
      (similar to the demo select screen on the PlayStation JamPack demo disc)


    • Yes, but do you need to use the modify stamp action? (The modify command in the stamp control event.) 🙂 If you do use it, and have gotten it to work please tell me! Heck, tell me if you haven't gotten it to work if you've tried to, then I'll know I'm not alone and it's probably a real bug, not some wierd cosmic ray bit flip error with my copy of the software.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Katharos:
      I didn't see this bug in your list though, maybe no one else feels the need to modify stamps...

      Yeah, I'm not previously familiar with this bug. I'll try to find the time soon to figure out exactly what the circumstances of it are and add it to the bug list.

      I don't know what I'm talking about.
      (url="http://"")Coldstone 1.0.1 Bug List(/url) - last update 10/10/2002