I was messing around with ResEdit and I opened Ares. I didn't think Ares had cheats but inside the Str# Resource I found a String that was labeled 'cheats'. There were Two others labeled 'cheats on feedback' and 'cheats off feedback'. I put Two and Two together and came up with this:
BBlwtsp - Cheats on feedback: wants to cheat.
Cheats off feedback: stops all cheating.
BBltwy - Cheats on feedback: hands the controls over to a machine.
Cheats off feedback: regains control.
BBqtyyt - Cheats on feedback: wins Megabucks.
Cheats off feedback: (pay up)
|mfny - Cheats on feedback: is about to name something.
Cheats off feedback: (i dub thee)
BBiwfpj - Cheats on feedback: puts on a happy face.
Cheats off feedback: (don't mind me).
BBkxxy - Cheats on feedback: drinks some tainted coffee.
Cheats off feedback: returns to realtime.
BB6>>> - Cheats on feedback: 's pay rate increases to
Cheats off feedback: (raise)
BB6>;> - Cheats on feedback: 's pay rate decreases to
Cheats off feedback: (cut)
These are coming straight from the resources. I tried to use the "cheats" by entering them like I would send a message but I didn't get any results. For the '|mfny' "cheat" you get the by pressing down. Can someone please help me on this?