Is it possible to not raise in level when you kill things but to raise stats? Like,for example, If there is a enemy that is weak but fast, you get +.001 perception(killing 1000 of these enemies raises stats by 1 peception). Or a really strong and undead enemy gives you .01 strength,.1 undead protection , so by killing 100 you get one strength and 10 undead protection? Or by traveling(walking) you get speed and strength after a certain distance? I'm not a very experianced user, so I couldnt even get close to finding a way. I dont want a potion to be dropped or something, I want it immediatly added to stats. If you cant do decimals(.1 undead), can you at least do whole numbers(1 undead)? Please help if you can. Thank you for your time to read this.( I know that that was hard to understand).And thanks again if you can answer.