Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
**jesus crist! What do I have to do to get a question answered?!
You have to wait. Excessive posting, shouting, and other extremely annoying behavior won't help the question get answered, it will only help you get banned again.
I can answer your question. Frankly, I don't know what you need help with because you weren't too clear, so I'll just explain the things you mentioned as well as I can.
To make a splash screen: First, you need an image which is the size of the screen resolution that your game will play under, so that the image will cover the entire screen. In the tutorial game, there is already a full-size splash screen made for you, so you don't have to make an image yourself unless you really want to. This image is in the Locations > Location pics folder, which you can access in the Game Browser window. I believe the image is titled "splashscreen.pct".
Once you've stared at your picture for a while, try reading the rest of the tutorial, which will tell you how to set up your splash screen. If you had done that before, you would never have had to make this topic anyway, but perhaps you've learned your lesson by now.
If any of my instructions were too hard for you to understand, please post back here and tell me (without excessive caps). Also post back here if you have any other problems (again, without excessive caps).
If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
(This message has been edited by Cafalll (edited 07-27-2002).)