I'm trying to build a "base game" from scratch, rather than starting from a template. I've got a launchable game with a startup screen in place, with "quit" working as a clickable link and from the menu; so far so good. I'm now just trying to get a game to start, and just have a character that can stroll around a blank map (as the next step).
I created a new map (blank and filled with dummy "blank" tiles), a location with the same name, and wired the "start game" link into an event calling the "New Game" engine call, and the "Main" event sets the player position and teleports to the map. The loading dialog appears briefly and it gets about 1/3 of the way into the "loading ground" process, then crashes.
I'm guessing I'm still missing something - any idea what? It would be great if the engine could say "can't find (required element) - exiting" if that's what's happening. As it is I'm a little stuck for where to look. Any suggestions? I borrowed the "hero" character map from the tutorial, everything else is from scratch. As far as I can tell, the events and so forth parallel those in the tutorial.