Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • File Submission Descriptions

      OK people, it seems there's a bug in the file submission process that automatically wipes all descriptions from the file, leaving it unidentifiable for me before I release it. To that end, I'd like people to assist me in a little project here.

      Now, whever you post a file, can you also make a post in this thread, giving the name of the file you just uploaded (such as graphic_cool.sit) and a description of the file's contents. That way your file will be uploaded, and if you wish I can credit the author in the description.

      Anyway, currently I have a filed named Warrior_Woman.sit (which I briefly described) and another named RPG_action_score_1.sit.hqx. Can the author of these two files (or authors) please post a description here, and also any other people who release files in the future.

      Thanks. 🙂


      "Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
      Unless it involves pipeline of course. Bloody nuisance.

    • I made the RPG_action_score_1.sit.hqx file. It's description should go something like...

      This is a simple action score that I made up quickly and decided to share it. I'm not really a musician, but hey - it's FREE. As long as you give me credit - and it'd be nice to see the product it was used for, but not totally necesary - you can use it for whatever you want. Enjoy!


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Klatu:
      **I made the RPG_action_score_1.sit.hqx file. It's description should go something like.



      OK, thanks Klatu, the file is live! I suspect the other was made by Toast, (I could be wrong 🙂 ) and hopefully he (or, if not him, the author) will post here soon, and I'll fix that description. 🙂


      "Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
      Unless it involves pipeline of course. Bloody nuisance.

    • (QUOTE)Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
      (B) OK, thanks Klatu, the file is live! I suspect the other was made by Toast, (I could be wrong 🙂 ) and hopefully he (or, if not him, the author) will post here soon, and I'll fix that description. 🙂
      You are right, I uploaded the file, Warrior _Woman and was surprised to see such a strange discription of her.

      She is a lovely red headed pony tailed modern looking super hero dressed in a shiney tight leather body suit with high heeled knee boots. She sports a long bladed knife, which she uses to attack her enemies.

      I apologize for some of the imperfections in her attack scenes, white arrows at her feet are from the camera lights in Poser. I didn't see them because I always test the fight scenes in the Medievil cave and the fight was over before I was able to see them. BUT, now I have found a hidden secret, pressing the X key causes the Hero to do his/her battle movements anywhere in Coldstone. Why didn't somebody tell me??? I never saw it in the manual either. :frown: Anyway if the marks really bother you, open the attack battle graphics in a draw program and erase the marks and resave it back to the Hero folder.
      from Texas

      Ben, I just uploaded a tutoral on how to make the Hero in Coldstone shoot a weapon in all directions. It's a step by step, with grapics copied from Coldstone showing what to do. It's a compressed pdf sit file. And I posted it in response to Tony's questions on shooting. I also posted the fact that I forgot to say that one must click the 360 degree button in the bottom of the animator. See earlier post "Shooting"


      (This message has been edited by Toast (edited 05-28-2002).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Toast:
      You are right, I uploaded the file, Warrior _Woman and was surprised to see such a strange discription of her.

      OK, the description is now live. Should be fine 🙂


      **Ben, I just uploaded a tutoral on how to make the Hero in Coldstone shoot a weapon in all directions. It's a step by step, with grapics copied from Coldstone showing what to do. It's a compressed pdf sit file. And I posted it in response to Tony's questions on shooting. I also posted the fact that I forgot to say that one must click the 360 degree button in the bottom of the animator. See earlier post "Shooting"

      Hrm. And the description doesn't show up either...... could you post that here? I'll fix it up and release the file tonight, when I do my next Chronicle of the Month Thread (I've done something a bit differently for this one... 🙂 )


      "Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

    • (QUOTE)Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
      Hrm. And the description doesn't show up either...... could you post that here?

      Here's the description of my latest upload:

      Small_tutorial_on SHOOTING

      A small tutoral on how to make the Hero in Coldstone shoot a weapon in all directions. It's a step by step, with lots of grapics copied from inside Coldstone with SnapzPro2, showing what to do. It's a compressed pdf sit file. I left out a very crucial step, make sure you check the 360 degree direction button at the bottom of the animator or your bullets won't go far.

      By the way ,I don't profess to be an expert so, if anyone wants to post their way of firing weapons in reference to what I may have missed, I'm willing to learn from you.


      (This message has been edited by Toast (edited 05-29-2002).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
      OK people, it seems there's a bug in the file submission process that automatically wipes all descriptions from the file, leaving it unidentifiable for me before I release it.

      That's a nasty bug that you'll find pops up every once and a while. Every time it does, I email Andrew and he works his magic to get a temp fix up; however, since he is rather email-less at the moment, you may have to just wait to get it fixed (or follow his instructions in the WR).

      (url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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