Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • HELP!!!!!!

      HELP! I have discovered a fatal bug in Hera! If the mod file is too big (16mb is the one its gone wrong on) it wont save at all! HELP! How can I sort this? This mod is not mine, ai'm helping a freind on it so he would be very disappointed if I can help him any further if the files too big. I put this here cus I wanted a more immediate response


      Time is always the best teacher; yet it kills all students!

    • Dismiss the file being too big part. I have just been told by my mate that it also failed on his mac when it was only 4mb.

      Time is always the best teacher; yet it kills all students!

    • Please help Zell and me with the bug


    • Yes


    • ECA number 4 on the boards welcome


    • Score slaps hands with Pryo! And then goes storming out of the bar.
      When i first came here a made a post about an ECA building and everyone made fun of me. Pyro made you would like to dig it
      I dont want to It might be spaming anyhow its in the same place the Officers Bar is in 🙂

      Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?

    • Well can anyone help us with that bug or not?


    • Perhaps, if you read the instructions that came with Hera, you might find a little email address, maybe even

    • In the meantime, try copying the objects out into another Hera document-if you paste the resource Ids in, it'll create a composite file (this can also be used to hack other people's plugins...)

      -Pallas Athene, {M}ilitia Aeriane and Dysian Beta representative to the Obish Consensus

      ThinkFish, and good things will come.

    • Can someone please close this topic? I've sorted the bug now.

      Time is always the best teacher; yet it kills all students!

    • Can someone please close this topic? I've sorted the bug now. 🙂

      Time is always the best teacher; yet it kills all students!