Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • WILL There Be Updates?

      I've seen a lot of suggestions for a possible Coldstone update. We've already heard word of an update, but it will mostly be a bug fix.

      Many, including me, want Coldstone to support allies for the main character, or different opposing teams of NPCs. It's been said Coldstone can support this, it's just not available to the user. Others have also wanted other things, like an option for turn-based combat (I can't remember what other ideas people suggested).

      But there is a question that nags in my mind when I think about Coldstone.

      WILL there actually be that kind of update for Coldstone?
      WILL Beenox make Coldstone support that allies and multiple teams (I strongly think it should!)
      And will Beenox consider the other ideas put forth by people on this forum or anywhere else.

      It's just that I fear Beenox will just make updates for bug fixes for now on. This would hamper the dreams fof many developing new games(WE WANT ALLIES!!!) and leave Coldstone not as good as it could be.

      Just some thoughts I want to get out. Before we can hope for the cool new features in the next Coldstone update, we have to know if there will BE a next Coldstone update.

      What do you think?

      So what if I'm paranoid.
      There COULD be mind control drugs in my marshmellows.

    • Currently, no update that will include support for allies, etc. as you suggest has been announced, either by Ambrosia or Beenox. Here's just a few points:

      • Dee has stated that he would like to revisity Coldstone to include some of the features that the community has requested, and that some of them are quite possible

      • It would take time if such an update were to be programmed, and I would assume that Beenox/Ambrosia would prefer to have it well on the way to complete before announcing it.

      • Beenox is currently working on their 3D game, The Vatz, powered by their Goliath Engine. They are (presumably) working full time on this project, and as such any work done on Coldstone would be a spare time project, and not a priority.
        Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see those features included in Coldstone. But my prediction is that it won't happen any time soon.


      "Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

    • These have already been stated, but if anyone asked me what coldstone needed, I would like 3 things:
      1. Allies
      2. Font and size text formatting
      3. "Change Class" and "Change Race" events

      But to everything Andiyar said, I agree with. I must say that abandoning Coldstone now would be a foolish choice. But you might want to keep this in mind:


      From the interview with Dee
      **...Of course, we will continue to maintain Coldstone as it has a huge potential and I'm still very enthusiastic about it...

      Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.