I need help to get trought the last of the original 20 levels.... i've blown up that big thing... but when then i can't make it further.... help me!!
Remember - it's never far from shot to kill
I need help to get trought the last of the original 20 levels.... i've blown up that big thing... but when then i can't make it further.... help me!!
Remember - it's never far from shot to kill
Warp through the asteroid field. The ships will follow you, and eventually will all crash into the asteroids, as long as you dont crash first.
"I can ail what cures you."
thats about it....
whoa i never thought of that...damn you guys are smarrtttt!!!!, see i wasted about 30 mintues blasting those things to bits, what i did was get tehmm all speprateed and take them one at a time, but your way is a whole lot better. ill have to rember that.
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Hey Death do you have AIM or not?
Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?
Thanks, guys.... i'll try.... but last time the just blew the asteroids to pieces, so I gave up. I'll try again.
Remember - it's never far from shot to kill
Make sure to warp through the asteroid field, otherwise they will blast the asteroids into little pieces.
Of course, running into one yourself at warp speed is quite easy to do.
Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
It's also fun, if not just easy
But of course, the most effective strategies, in order, are Nastiroids, Long term striking, and hyperbombing. I've beat it on all 3, but Nastiroids are definitely the easiest.
Can you defeat the gateship with ramming only one asteroid in it? I can (and it'ss not a cheat or hack or anything else, just plain old hard work and ingenuity)
-Pallas Athene, {M}ilitia Aeriane and Dysian Beta representative to the Obish Consensus
ThinkFish, and good things will come.
yesa i do enimen its Val The Coolest, and hw do you do that may i ask?
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