After spending all day yesterday fiddling with Coldstone's character stat system and various classes, I finally determined that no matter what class I clicked on starting a new game, the the stats were always within the default random ranges, not the numbers that I specified in the class. Once I turned on "Show Roll Dialogue," the class choices suddenly took effect, though the stats were somewhat randomized. I've scoured the manual literally dozens of times, and it does little to clarify exactly what is going on in Coldstone.
In addition, I have very many questions about how to pull various things off, many of which could be answered if I could disect PoG (such as the obove problem of how to not make the "Roll" dialogue show up and still have classes work). Sure I could go running to this web board, but if I have to do that every time I am confused or wanting of more information about exactly how Coldstone works, it would be a serious bottleneck in the creation of my RPG. Yes, I know I'll see flying pigs before I get the open data folders of PoG, but I need to have some way to see how it's done on my own steam. The sample medieval game is all well and good, but it has none of the sophistications that I'd want to add to an RPG that I hope to sell. The overall setup of Coldstone is easy enough to figure out, and it's the little technicalities that the manual and the tutorial don't address that pose the problem.
And how does Coldstone deal with linking two maps of different dimensions? Do I have to make all my edges line up?
"Hello, we bought a cheese pizza from you not too long ago. We got the cheese. We were wondering if you knew of anyone who was given two crusts by mistake."
- The_Foool
(This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 02-11-2002).)