I have been looking through the documentation and FAQs, and I am having trouble finding hard numbers. It would be very handy for me, and I suspect handy for others as well, to have a "bible" that listed basic Coldstone statistics, to wit;
Size of graphics, particularly size of sprites. What are the maximum limits? What are the averages?
Formats, in a little more detail; will the Coldstone implementation of QuickTime handle MIDI events? What is the bit depth supported in the AIFF files? Would Coldstone run properly if all PICTS were held to 16-bit (aka thousand-color)?
How many NPCs, how many tiles, how many items, etc., etc., can the game support. Which is to say, the kinds of data given in the original, un-annotated EV Bible.
And, although it may not fit in the above, I would personally love to see some rules of thumb on length/frame rate of average walk cycle and attack animation. I hate to re-invent the wheel trying different framings, and it seems a little untidy to download every sample I can to reverse-engineer those ranges.
everywhere else, it's --