First of all, learning to use Coldstone is a lot of fun!
Sometimes, however, some problems pop up. For example when using the "Stamp control" event.; nowhere in the manual is written (at least, nowhere I found it) that the stamp placement is pixel based. I.e., you have to specify the "top-left" pixel coordinates of the stamp you want to place (for example, a bridge across a river). And here come the troubles. Because when you draw a stamp on a map (and you have to do so to guess the correct placement), the placement cursor is on the "bottom-right" pixel of the stamp, so that you have to do some math to get the correct pixel (i.e., subtracting the width and length of the image to get the correct one).
Is it possible to either place the stamp on the map with the cursor on the "top right" or (which may be better) have a rectangle being drawn around the stamp showing its bounds when you mouse over it, or have the correct coordinates show up in the info window?