Creating the annimations isn't a problem, but what I'm wondering is, how does the engine determine which annimations to play at a given time? Is this something that is hard coded, i.e. something we cannot change, or are the conditions totally dependant on something like events scripting?
If the engine can indeed support multiple annimation sequences for one monster that are all triggered by the same evenets, e.g. the monster is not moving and not being attacked, therefore it's "idle", the engine would have to either randomly choose one sequence to play, or cycle through all the sequences one at a time. How much control do we have over the variables?
Here's an example:
Monster X is standing alone in the wilderness with no enemies nearby. He is considered to be "idle." Monster X has three different idle annimation sequences (e.g. #1 looking side to side, #2 crossing and uncrossing arms, and #3 tapping foot) Does the engine...
A) Play sequence 1, then 2, then 3, then 1, etc.?
Chooses a sequence at random, then after a few seconds chooses another at random?
C) Choose one sequence at random then loop it over and over until a new set of conditions are triggered to cause the annimation sequence to change (e.g. the monster is attacked)?
D) do something completely different that I'm not thinking of...?
I realize this a lot of questions, but I'd really like get a better understanding of this. Thanks!