I need to know the capabilities of cs
1. can you have NPC's allied with you (the fight along side you)?
2. can you edit terrain with a script?
3. are weather fx possible (rain/snow/lightning/etc.)?
4. can you use a script to change characters mid-game?
5. can you use a script to equip items?
6. can you use a script to change the stats on items?
7. can you use a script to change an NPCs alignment with you when you equip an item?
8. is it possible for characters to ride horses (NPCs and you) and get on/off at will (at least with a script)?
9. is it possible to have NPCs capture you instead of killing?
10. is it possible, instead of haveing multiple choices when you talk, to have to type what you wanna say (like in Cythera)?
thats all i can think of for now, more to come
"There is no spoon." - Neo