yeah, so I decided that there really is no better way to waste time waiting for coldstone than to post to the webboard, sooo, I present my "esteemed colleagues" with a question,
"Why is it that with products like coldstone, where the idea is to design a specific type of game, everyone wants to design something entirely different?" This is of course, me included, I remember trying my hardest to assign both a variable and an action to a spell in RPGMaker2000 in order to create progressive spells, and the computer hated me. I imagine some people will have similar difficulty trying to create (quick look to the left, look to the right) turn based combat and parties, as well as some of the coldstone TC's (such as the space opera)that seem to be appearing on the web boards. In fact I think well over 50% of the posts are about doing something that has pretty clearly been said would not be included in coldstone. So, what up B. And, as for expectations of this topic, ramble please, I miss the old BS of the webboard when no one new what to expect from coldstone.
every body wants to bomb the bomb now