(This message has been edited by Dark Madman (edited 04-23-2001).)
(This message has been edited by Dark Madman (edited 04-23-2001).)
Spirit: Fire- a being of fire appears, the Quedora. It looks like a burning female angel wielding a fiery sword. The Quedora will throw its sword at any enemy, dealing massive damage, and then grant temporary fire immunity to you. Once it is finished, it will vanish.
Spirit: Ice- a being of ice appears, the Fridora. Fridoras appear as a demonic form, shrouded in a frigid mist. The Fridora will blast the area with a ray of ice(which slows your oppenents), and then will disappear.
Spirit: Doom- a being of decay appears, the Dedora. Dedoras appear as skeletons with black cloaks, wielding a red ruby in one hand, and a green emerald in the other. The Dedora will fill the area with clouds of poison and death, and then give you temporary invulnerability, before vanishing.
Spirit: Life- a beautiful Nymph appears, the Vidora. Vidoras heal all friendly units, and then give temporary immunity to evil magics before disappearing.
the list goes on...
---spirit attacks can be used once per day, at no mana cost.... whatever spirit is summoned depends on who cast it....(if Derron, the gloomy and arrogant necromancer casts SpiritSpell, it will summon Spirit :Doom)----
"Silence, Dog! Your only purpose is to die by my hand."
I'm not going to let this topic die!!! kinda like my signiature now that I think about it.
well here are some more spells, I hope I haven't added them yet(these ones are some of the max-level spells).
Diamond Archaia- this spell is also known as "Perfect Resurrection". When cast, it acts as a typical Resurrection spell, in bringing the dead target to life, with several major differences. The dead target begins a transformation, becoming invulnerable over a period of time to all types of damage.. except some powerful magic items and a couple spells. This transformation will occur only once the creature has come back to life(the first part of the spell). The creature suffers no penalties, and is now considered a God.
Equinox Blaze- this spell summons forth 2 points of brilliant light, flaring around the target. After 4 seconds, the points of light explode, each dealing 200-1000 damage(a lot) to the target. This spell can only be resisted by extremely potent spells, but it can affect Gods that are not protected in that way.
Freezing Torrent- a massively powerful ice damage spell, only effects one target.
Temporary Perdition- the target loses their soul, and is completely paralyzed for several minutes, after the minutes have elapsed, the soul returns.
Perdition- the target loses their soul and suffers the same effects of Temporary Perdition except that there is no time limit and the only way to remove this effect is by means of a High Priest of Zentau casting a Restore Spell granted only to Zentau's true followers.
All Existence- "everything" is brought to one small point near the target creature for one split second. The planes are bound together on that one spot. Everyone nearby suffers incredible amounts of damage, in addition to various status effects such as confusion, dazzle, and even disease.
Epicentral Force- An explosion shoots forth from the caster's body, covering a huge sphere. All creatures within the explosion-except the caster-suffer massive fire damage. All creatures near to the explosion, but not in it are randomly teleported.
Total Evil- every enemy nearby suffers the exact amount of damage to lower them to 1 hit point. This damage is done as a slashing melee weapon would do damage, and thus nonmagical, but it cannot be blocked by shields and armor. The caster takes 1-500 damage(a chance of instantly killing the caster in most cases). After all of the damage has been dealt, clouds of poison appear randomly in the area, and cloaked skeletons guard the area, attacking all enemies of the caster. The skeletons and clouds last for 2 minutes. After that 2 minutes, small demons appear in the area, attacking everyone nearby. After another 2 minutes, the demons disappear. Nothing happens until exactly 666 seconds have elapsed. Once 666 seconds have elapsed, an ArchDemon appears. The Archdemon will attack everything in the area except the caster and the caster's friends and will not disappear unless the caster deems he should.
Zoris Ethos Xi- the caster begins chanting three words over and over, "Zoris Ethos Xi". After several seconds have elapsed the area will darken severely, and strange things begin to happen. These are the random effects: rain of lightning, burning ground, 10 small minions appear, all enemies are paralyzed, or icestorm.
more to come!
"I felt you.. dying"
"I'm dying..?"
"I won't let you die..."
I won't let it die either!
Pokemon - A bonus spell that summons ramdomly one of five differnt pokemon(Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Arbok, Wheezing). Each has a different effect, all very powerful. The effects are as follows:
| Pikachu - Lightning bolts hit each enemy, doing 25-150 electric damage, with reductions/increases due to weakness/defence agenst electric attacks.
| Charizard - The pokemon fires bolds of searing fire at the ten nearest enemies, one every second. The fireballs explode in a 6 foot radius, doing damage to reaby victoms. The target takes 50-175 fire damage, with the effects of weakness/defence agenst fire.
| Blastoise - Shoots powerful blasts of water at the twelve nearest enemies. The shots do 20-100 water damage, and sends the enemies hit backwards about 12 feet. Weakness/defence taken in to account.
| Arbok - The pokemon moves toward the eight nearest enemies and will bite each one, doing 10-30 normal damage, barring weakness/defence, as well as an extremely powerful and fast acting poison. The poison only works on those who are normal or weak agenst poison, but those with poison defence are completely unpoisoned.
| Wheezing - Wheezing releases a purple gas that poisons lightly enemies and covers the screen with a dense fog. Enemies are less likely to hit and to find you, and you are unaffected by the gas, besides being unable to see. Thse immune or defended agenst poison are unaffected by the poison, but suffer a small amount of damage due to a wracking cough which also disables them for a bit.
I know this spell uses copyrighted material, and I will never really use this spell in a game unless I either get Nintendo's permission, or modify names, colors, and effects to not match real pokemon stuff.
Please, no one use this spell.
"When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried." --Tom Paris
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Soulstrike- a blast of white light strikes the target, dealing 1-40 lightning damage, paralyzing the target, and dealing 1-20 points of additional lightning damage every 10 seconds afterwards until the target dies or the paralyzation wears off.
Foci- the caster selects an area, and he/she and the area glow with an ethereal light. The caster and the selected area have become Foci points, where energy from the Ethereal plane can quickly reach the central plane. The effect is, any enemy entering a 5 foot radius of the caster or the other Foci is hit by ethereal forces of magic(15-35 damage) and a skeleton or other undead creature may be summoned, as a friend of the caster.
"I felt you.. dying"
"I'm dying..?"
"I won't let you die..."
I reckon that a good spell would be one where the enemy in question completely and utterly dies no matter how good they are, however you would only be able to attain this spell at high levels and it would use lots of spell points.
Originally posted by Paddy Perring:
**I reckon that a good spell would be one where the enemy in question completely and utterly dies no matter how good they are, however you would only be able to attain this spell at high levels and it would use lots of spell points.
that sort of spell is hard to balance... I mean why make a boss of the game if you can kill them with one spell?
"I felt you.. dying"
"I'm dying..?"
"I won't let you die..."
here's some of the defensive spells
Cease Fire- if any ranged attack(arrow, stone, bullet) targets the recipient, the missile will be lost, vanishing near the recipient of the spell.
Absorb- a black field of energy encompasses the caster's shield arm. All nonmagical close combat attacks are absorbed into this field, and are for nought. Even the most simple of magical weapons can pierce the shield, however, and arrows and the like can easily sneak past it.
Blinkshape- all attacks that target the caster have a 60% chance of missing(this effect stacks with other magical bonuses).
Escape- if an enemy strays too close to the caster, the caster will vanish from sight, effectively becoming invisible. This effect lasts a very short time.
Punishment- the target of this spell recieves strange magical bonuses, chosen at random from....
And these spells lean into teleportation and other strange things....
Temporary Trade- the caster temporarily gives up his soul to an immense evil(the caster becomes paralyzed). "Friendly" Demons or undead appear, attacking all enemies of the caster. Fire may rain from the sky in some rare situations.
ShiftGate- this spell opens up a portal to the Void. The caster and his companions enter the Void, and immediately appear in their "Gate" area, or where they have specified they want to return to. For traversing the Void, the caster and his companions take 5 points of 'dark' damage.
Specify Gate- the area that the caster is in becomes his "Gate". Whenever the caster casts ShiftGate, or other such spells, he will be brought to this point.
ShiftHaven- the caster and his companions are brought to the nearest Haven, or the nearest town. Wizards of hold have set up runes that guide this spell to a town. Towns that the caster has been to are the only ones that he will be brought to, and some towns are do not have the runes needed to be taken there.
Traversal- if the caster is in his "Gate" when he casts this spell he can choose to travel to the Ethereal Plane, or to make everyone in his party invisible. If he chooses to go to the Ethereal Plane, then he can travel freely on the plane, but will most likely be attacked by various Undead and Ethereal creatures.
this is soooooooooo much fun!!!
"I felt you.. dying"
"I'm dying..?"
"I won't let you die..."
Midnight Binding- ribbons of Evil energy circle the spell's target. The target has a 50% chance of being paralyzed, or a 50% chance of instantly dying. This spell is extremely risky to cast, as 60% of the time, an angry NightSpectre will appear, furious that its powers are being abused by "mortals".
SoulFlay- the caster of this spell gives up all action for several seconds, as this powerful spell takes effect. The target of this spell will constantly take damage, as his Soul is attacked by a higher power. If the target manages to run far enough away, he will cease taking damage. However, if the target does not escape in time, he will be shredded to bits.
Miracle Limit- the caster selects an area of effect, and only the most basic of spells can be cast in that area.
Doom- the caster selects a target enemy, and the target is paralyzed by a horrific vision. If the target is exceptionally stupid, he will become confused instead of paralyzed. If the target is exceptionally smart, the spell will not take effect.
Astral Ripple- this spell takes the longest time to cast of any spell in my game(around 30 seconds). As the spell is being cast, the caster will be encompassed by an aura of raw energy. Once the caster finishes casting the spell, a huge ripple will sweep across the screen. This deals massive Holy damage to all enemies(the most damage a spell can do), and grants the caster and any friends he might have a temporary invincibility effect.
Celestius- a field of energy surrounds the caster(which can only be the main character). The caster now does quadruple damage with whatever weapon he might have equipped, gains 500 HP(a lot), and 100 MP. These effects last a minute.
"Don't worry. You're not going to die"