He is here...
what follows is a series of questions:
Is there going to be a way to change the lighting in CGE?
So I could I set it up like in FF9, where you walk into certain areas and the lighting changes gradually( I want to create a land of eternal twilight).
If I wanted to have a 3/4 overhead view so you could see some of the horizon,could I? (that way the lighting effect would be more dramatic w/ the moon hanging in the distance)
Also If I wanted to have an overlay/tint on the screen when spells were cast,could it be done? (like the screen fades to black with nothing there but the spell effect and the target, like when a monster is summoned in FF.)
If I wanted to have the map visible from the worldscreen, overlayed/imposed on the world screen,could I? (like a transparent P.I.P. on the TV)
Is it possible to make a world (not a continent or land) meaning, if I wanted to have the whole thing connected,an actual globe, (one huge map,would I need the 'teleport' event action?)(b).
For example...
I want it like: you fly east from Japan and arrive in California.
Not: I have to go east all the way across europe, Africa,pastS.America, then go from the atlantic,2000 miles and then be in California.
He is...gone??
(This message has been edited by chill_rx (edited 02-27-2001).)