Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Does anyone want to band up to create humourous games?

      Contack me at if your interested

      mommy they're trying to turn me in to a Maori

    • We have 3 members interested so far including myself, but we need a graphics artist and some one to chose sounds ect. Im in this for the fun but you never know we might create a small pack of games good enough for ambrosia or us to sell.
      I can do all the web work no worries there

      mommy they're trying to turn me in to a Maori

    • Well, I can make skins, but I can't model. I haven't really been very interested in coldstone lately, seeing as it's going to be a while until the rest of us can use it.

      Plus I've had my hands full with other things.

      A large group of empire soldiers guards the bridge to make sure no slimes reach the city. Not being slimes, you are allowed to pass without comment.

    • what kind of game exactly?
      i mean like when will it take place because i can write music and stuff but not techno or whatever for a deus ex type rpg (minus the first person shooter aspect)


    • Quote

      Originally posted by daimyo:
      **what kind of game exactly?
      i mean like when will it take place because i can write music and stuff but not techno or whatever for a deus ex type rpg (minus the first person shooter aspect)


      I've been anxiously awaiting a music artist for my game. I'm looking for someone creative to develop original works in the styles of such media as Star Wars, Final Fantasy, and Rhapsody, really deep music able to convey a variety of emotions. If you or anyone else is interested, please contact me at for more info. Thanks.



    • Im talking about a band or team therefor all members make decisions.
      We would probally meet on gluebubbles coldstone h/l server.
      I don't see any problems doing say two projects perhaps one big and a series of smaller monty python like ones. I thnk some one needs to do a dragon ballz rpg the story ect can be borrowed from the snes rpg and we can continue it from freeza.

      mommy they're trying to turn me in to a Maori