Having been on theGlueBubbles Coldstone corner server, I have downloaded some charicter sprites, and I must say, I'm impressed! These are nice 2D Tile based game graphics! I'm not sure if these are really Coldstone premade graphics, but they are very nice!
I wonder, if it would be possible (please give me a link if it already exists) to make a small draw program that made it easier to make these graphics, starting out with a small template of the same size and dimensions.
That would be a nice thing to have before Coldstone is released.
And Andrew, if you read this, it would be a great way to get more people into coldstone, no one wants to work on their own sprites for weeks and then just pass the editor by when it comes out, more intrest in coldstone means more $$$!
You don't have GameRanger? Get it! (url="http://"Http://www.GameRanger.com/")Http://www.GameRanger.com/(/url)