Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Documentation problem

      I would just like to say something about the beta docementation.

      The 'Race Editor' documentation doesn't actually say what the different things are meant to do. I haven't given anything away, so it should be fine. This is only anote to Dee saying you should specify on the race editor. Thank you. 🙂

      Brought to you by the one and only; ""Gav""

    • And is there a reason that you posted this here, rather than sending it to the beta testers' mailing list instead? 😕

      “If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Glenn:
      **And is there a reason that you posted this here, rather than sending it to the beta testers' mailing list instead?😕

      As far as I know, Gavin is not on the beta team... Maybe he's referring to the old beta released by Beenox...


    • Yeah, well I don't know who most of the people on the beta list are, since we go by different names there anyway. At any rate, the "I haven't given anything away" sentence seems like he's trying to avoid the "no giving away Coldstone secrets" rule of the beta testers, which is making seriously considering deleting this topic. If he's not on the beta, that sentence shouldn't have been there. For now, I'm just closing it.

      --You notice that you have been turned into a pile of ashes.

    • Since I've already gotten three emails about this, I'd better defend myself here.

      If Gaviiin is referring to the current beta documentation, it belongs on the Beta mailing list.

      If Gaviiin is referring to the Beenox 8.1 Beta documentation, then he should have said so, because it may have already changed.

      --You notice that you have been turned into a pile of ashes.