Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Quote

      Originally posted by Avatara:
      **I believe one of the major catagories they use to determine a beta-tester is wether or not they can follow directions. So far that rules out many people that have been bugging Andrew to be a beta-tester even though he told them not to.

      (PS. Note the word "believe")


      Heh, yeah in the "Apply to be a Beta tester" section of Ambrosia, it says as one of it's top rulles "do not ask if you can be a beta tester" or something of the sort.

      I am the Walrus, Goo Goo G' joob

    • Great. I've saved 40 quid for the mega price tag and I'm still building. Can't wait till it actually goes into better.


      Brought to you by the one and only; ""Gav""

    • Keep up the good work Ambrosia and Beenox. Hope I haven't done anything to annoy you guys... Well cheer up everyone, beta now means the completed one is closer 😄

      "Keep looking shocked, and move slowly towards the cake."

    • surely, we all anticipate Coldstone greatly...

      Armorments, chaper two, verses 9-21- And Saint Atilla raised the hand grenade up on high saying, "O lord, bless this thine hand grenade, that with it thou may blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloaths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats....."

    • Nice quote supersonic

      Someone said they made their own game in Basic, well I made my own adventure game last year for a school IT project, in Hyperstudio of all programs. Overall it was quite crap, with graphics stolen from Realmz, sounds form various games, and the plot from nowhere, but it was fun.

      You can download it from (url="http://"")
      then go to the downloads link and try it if you want (you need hyperstudio it isnt standalone).

      Thou shalt take the holy pin from the holy hand grenade, then thou shalt hold it upon high and on the count of three, not four for that it too high, not five for that is far out, not two lest you proceed with three..... .....and thou shalt throw the grenade at thine enemy, and theym being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.

      And now for something
      completely different...

    • This is just on response to all those "how big will it be?" questions:

      ok, I don't know just how big Coldtone will be, BUT I'm guessing that it won't be the program that will be large in size, but the apps you create out off it that will be big. It's almost always that way (ResEdit and and EV plug-in for instance).

      A self important human once said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" but in the case of the (rocket launcher) you have one majorly explosive cigar!

    • I don't think I understand this whole cigar thing.

