A sinisterly cold wind floods the room...
"DF says shut the expletive deleted up"
---Casts spell, and a huge ice ball whacks Desert Fox in the ear...brrr
(look for it in my upcoming game)
Come now who argues about a shrubbery(and a sacrifice :rolleyes: probably from a corny(it might be funny,but then again...enh shrug)movie and doesn't answer the question all he wanted to do was get your attention with acatch phrase you might recognize and identify wit', oh and DF, żWhat was your sig before?).
"I'll happily lock it, but I will not ( I don't think I even can
) ban the Chill, he has been no more annoying than Secret Chimp..." You heard the man, now lighten up
...this Secret chimp, where is he...we must talk...business
Oh and I almost completely forgot
ahem(clears throat for the nearly gratuitous qouting of the all important mantra)
(Repeat after me)"So Says The Chill..."
You (all) should really adopting a line of your own might I suggest "Me cubriste tú con mi crema" say that ten times fast...