Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Ares Network Games

      Net Games? They must be fun I'm sure, but I've never tried one! The reason is, i can't find anyone to play. If someone knows where to find people interested in playing a net game of Ares, please respond to this. Thanx



    • Can you say "GameRanger"? It comes with Ares, and is GREAT!

      May Macs eternally crush PCs!

      -Admiral Dennis

    • well, now that i've made a complete idiot out of myself, you can close this....whoever has enough access to do that or whatever.

    • Admiral Grammicus or andrew, please delete this topic to aviod complete humiliation of Kabe. 😉

      (This message has been edited by Admiral Dennis (edited 01-13-2000).)

    • Now why would anyone want to humiliate someone for a little thing like that?


    • this was the first post i could find im bring it to the top baby!

      "But stan, why u so mad u gota unberstaned that i want u as a fan, anyway i think u need some consaling ta(to) stop your ass from bouncing off the wall every time you get down"
      Stan(song by EMINEM)
      "I think u and your girl friend need each other. And whats all this disch(s###) about us ment to be together"
      "U no that song where that guy could of saved that other guy but he didn't this is kinda like that u could have saved me Slim any way im coming up to the bridge now, oh(stan stuters) i forgot how am i soposed to send this thing of splash"
      Stan(Song by EMINEM)
      And if u dont know him "then get with the bit and love some one"
      (Kid Rock)
      "U turn me right round baby, right round like record player, right round baby"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Admiral Sargatanus:
      **Now why would anyone want to humiliate someone for a little thing like that?


      You were an admiral back then?

      I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

      Stop Exploding you cowards!

    • YEp he was what ever happened to Kebi?

      "But stan, why u so mad u gota unberstaned that i want u as a fan, anyway i think u need some consaling ta(to) stop your ass from bouncing off the wall every time you get down"
      Stan(song by EMINEM)
      "I think u and your girl friend need each other. And whats all this disch(s###) about us ment to be together"
      "U no that song where that guy could of saved that other guy but he didn't this is kinda like that u could have saved me Slim any way im coming up to the bridge now, oh(stan stuters) i forgot how am i soposed to send this thing of splash"
      Stan(Song by EMINEM)
      And if u dont know him "then get with the bit and love some one"
      (Kid Rock)
      "U turn me right round baby, right round like record player, right round baby"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by EMINEM:
      **YEp he was what ever happened to Kebi?

      Mb he left 'cause we humiliated him... 😉

      "That's cool how you just walked through
      that door, but I still won't let you leave."
      — Durandal

    • Quote

      Originally posted by EMINEM:
      **this was the first post i could find im bring it to the top baby!

      Please don't do this again.

      Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
      -Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.