Many of you may know that, due to certain events in his life, Blazer (Stuart Nealy) has been forced to suddenly shut down his website. However, some of the main members of the Ultra Escape Velocity Override RPG (UEVO RPG) have come together to continue the game we started months ago. The current site design can be found at (url="http://"") You'll notice that the site is currently far from complete. We still need to decide upon some certain design elements, and fix some links. If you'd like to join the discussion, please follow the link on the main page. You will hopefully be able to sign up soon, and then begin playing shortly after. Good luck pilot, the Mercenary Force awaits your arrival.
EV/EVO Newswire: The UEVO RPG will restart soon
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Okay, here's a status update. The following things aren't ready and/or are having their dedign debated:
Stats layout - We've got the stats, but we're not completelly sure how they should be organized.
Current Missions - We've got them, but we've not put them up yet
The Club Exit (The bar) - The scripts for food and gambling are written down on paper, but I have yet to add them to the pages
Site administration - Same as above, but the scripts are half ready
Join/Change form - Will be "turned on" when we get going
Okay, that's about it. We were hoping to be running by sometime this weekend, but we may need to delay a little longer.
"C++" should have been called "D" - If you understood that, you must be a programmer
Micah L - (url="http://"")