I've noticed the recently uploaded plug-in Cord's EV Cheat isn't downloading properly (You get a page of "garbage" when you try to download it). You can either save the page as a source document and then open it with Stuffit Expander, or you can go to my website at the link below for an easier download.
For those who don't know about the plug-in, it adds the standard cheats as well as the ability to play all missions in the game with one pilot. (url="http://"http://sites.netscape.net/kilvain/")http://sites.netscape.net/kilvain/(/url)
EV/EVO Newswire: Downloading Cord's EV Cheat
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Cord's EV Cheat isn't the only one with problems. Most of the latest EV Plugins posted on the website give you a page of garbage. This is because the names of the files don't have ".sit" on the end of them. I noticed that when I was looking at the FTP directory.
You can configure your browser to avoid this problem -- however I agree, it should be addressed.
I need to redesign the upload window so that it lays out the rules for uploading files properly. I will attempt to do that tonight.
Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.