Yeah, I think I'll play it, if only because I can't be sure it wasn't Mack who failed the mission.
Whatever the card drawn, pass it to Techerakh.
(EDIT) I should explain that: From where I'm standing, it must be one of Mackilroy or SoItBegins. If it's Mack, I don't want him tossing the power to his cohort - but Mackilroy might still be the innocent one here, so I can't toss it to SoItBegins either.
That leaves Techerakh and retep998, and everyone's already worried about retep holding the 'No Confidence'. If he's rotten, tossing more power's his way is not in our best interests.
I'm leaning towards proposing the Mission #1 crew again, but what are everyone else's thought on that? Maybe I should tap Techerakh instead?
This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 06 October 2012 - 08:56 PM