Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Game 42 Sign-up

      7 20 783

      Poll: Game 42 (7 member(s) have cast votes)
      Are you willing to play in Game 42?
      (6 votes [85.71%] - View)
      $('l_voters_1_1').observe('click', ipb.topic.showVoters.bindAsEventListener( this, 1, 1 ) );
      if( Object.isUndefined( ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] ) ){
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] = [];

      var users = "";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=936'>mrxak</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=104252'>retep998</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=25465'>SoItBegins</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=14281'>Mackilroy</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=8392'>Eugene Chin</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=5249'>Techerakh</a> &nbsp;";
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ][ 1 ] = { name: "Yes", users: users};

      Percentage of vote: 85.71%
      (1 votes [14.29%] - View)
      $('l_voters_1_2').observe('click', ipb.topic.showVoters.bindAsEventListener( this, 1, 2 ) );
      if( Object.isUndefined( ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] ) ){
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] = [];

      var users = "";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=18045'>JacaByte</a> &nbsp;";
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ][ 2 ] = { name: "No", users: users};

      Percentage of vote: 14.29%

      Vote in the poll.

    • YesYesYesYesYesYesYes

    • I will not be playing. Additionally, retep broke the IPB.

    • You know, I think I kind of want to host this one. I'll do mafia, if that's what people want.

    • I'll play.

    • Some sneaky mod ninja-edited my yes's.
      I demand that in this game, nobody is allowed to ninja-edit their posts, especially you mrxak.

    • For clarification purposes, I answered "What game would you like to play?" literally, not as if the question were "What game are you willing to play?" Y'know, jfyi.

    • @retep998, on 16 September 2012 - 01:24 PM, said in Game 42 Sign-up:

      Some sneaky mod ninja-edited my yes's.

      They look the same as when I first saw them. If somebody edited your post, it must've been pretty quick after you posted. Unless I'm missing something?

      I would like more than 5 players for a mafia game. Everybody make more people sign up.

    • @retep998, on 14 September 2012 - 05:42 PM, said in Game 42 Sign-up:


      @jacabyte, on 14 September 2012 - 05:59 PM, said in Game 42 Sign-up:

      Additionally, retep broke the IPB.

      @mrxak, on 17 September 2012 - 03:45 AM, said in Game 42 Sign-up:

      They look the same as when I first saw them. If somebody edited your post, it must've been pretty quick after you posted. Unless I'm missing something?

      Originally I had a huge long line of Yes's which overflowed past the border and greatly extended the horizontal scrollbar. JacaByte then observed this and posted that I broke the IPB. Then a mod ninja-edited my post to only include a few Yes's. I don't want to turn into croc here, but this ninja-editing is disturbing me. Please, attach a MOD-EDIT: at the bottom of the edited post stating what changes you made and who you are.

    • @retep998, on 17 September 2012 - 10:44 AM, said in Game 42 Sign-up:

      Please, attach a MOD-EDIT: at the bottom of the edited post stating what changes you made and who you are.

      This. I always do this on the forum I moderate, it decreases the amount of confusion that goes on between myself, other moderators and other members. It also gives future readers some idea of what was going on.

    • As I said, it was like that when I first saw it. I remember being confused why JacaByte said you broke the IPB.

    • I bet it was the CIA man

    • How bizarre.

      As far as the topic goes, I might play. I'll give it another day's though.

    • Still just five players? Bah.

    • Poll says six voted yes, you can view the names.

      I should probably have posted when I voted.

    • @eugene-chin, on 20 September 2012 - 06:43 PM, said in Game 42 Sign-up:

      Poll says six voted yes, you can view the names.

      Six have voted yes, but presumably one of them will be running the game, not playing…

    • The wording of the first question is bad. It should read: "Are you definitely going to play in Game 42?" because 'willing' is such an indeterminate term.

    • Well, if we're not getting anymore players, I guess I'll start this up soon. Perhaps tonight.

    • @mackilroy, on 22 September 2012 - 12:37 PM, said in Game 42 Sign-up:

      The wording of the first question is bad. It should read: "Are you definitely going to play in Game 42?" because 'willing' is such an indeterminate term.

      The problem of course is that such a question is more difficult to answer for those of us who can't see the future

    • Time to get out your crystal ball then.