Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Game 40 signup/discussion

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      Poll: Game 40 signup/discussion (7 member(s) have cast votes)
      Are you playing?
      (0 votes [0.00%])
      Percentage of vote: 0.00%
      (7 votes [100.00%] - View)
      $('l_voters_1_2').observe('click', ipb.topic.showVoters.bindAsEventListener( this, 1, 2 ) );
      if( Object.isUndefined( ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] ) ){
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] = [];

      var users = "";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=936'>mrxak</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=104252'>retep998</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=18045'>JacaByte</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=18623'>Crow T. Robot</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=25465'>SoItBegins</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=11159'>prophile</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=18434'>croc</a> &nbsp;";
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ][ 2 ] = { name: "Yes", users: users};

      Percentage of vote: 100.00%

      mrxak says the round we're in with GTW 39 is the last one, so sign up here if you'd like to play in Game 40. I would like to host, though if someone else really wants to I'll be happy to play. Should I be the host, it will be like what mrxak has hosted for GTW 36 and 39.

    • lets dooo iiiiiit

    • Mack gets lynched first for having hissy fits.

    • adam_0 was having just as much of a hissy fit. You should have seen them on IRC going at it ;).

      Is darth_vader actually playing?

    • To give people sufficient time to sign up, I propose Wednesday for the start date.

    • Fine with me. (/signup bigtime!)

    • Anyway, to whoever is hosting, probably Mack, remember to notify me on IRC as soon as anything happens. Otherwise I'll completely forget this game exists.

    • He can give us both daily reminders.

    • You'll both get one reminder together at the most.

      darth_vader : are you playing?

    • Yeah bro, I'm playing.

    • Mack, is it going to be regular GTW or mrxak's version?

    • Thanks vader.

      Crow: mrxak's version.

    • croc's back I will play only because I'm going through horrendous withdrawals stemming from the abandonment of #mafia

    • Yeah really mrxak, stop turning croc's posts pink.

    • Signups are closed. I'll post the topic and send out PMs shortly.