Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Game 38 Discussion

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      Poll: Game 38 Discussion (7 member(s) have cast votes)
      Going to play?
      (5 votes [71.43%] - View)
      $('l_voters_1_1').observe('click', ipb.topic.showVoters.bindAsEventListener( this, 1, 1 ) );
      if( Object.isUndefined( ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] ) ){
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] = [];

      var users = "";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=14281'>Mackilroy</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=16450'>jrsh92</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=104252'>retep998</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=11159'>prophile</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=25465'>SoItBegins</a> &nbsp;";
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ][ 1 ] = { name: "Yes", users: users};

      Percentage of vote: 71.43%
      (2 votes [28.57%] - View)
      $('l_voters_1_2').observe('click', ipb.topic.showVoters.bindAsEventListener( this, 1, 2 ) );
      if( Object.isUndefined( ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] ) ){
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] = [];

      var users = "";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=936'>mrxak</a> &nbsp;, ";
      users += "<a href=';showuser=18045'>JacaByte</a> &nbsp;";
      ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ][ 2 ] = { name: "No", users: users};

      Percentage of vote: 28.57%

      Sign up here. SoItBegins, want to host? retep998? Someone else?

    • Sadly, I do not think I will have time to play this next game, assuming it will go over the next weekend.

      I'll show up for Game 39 though, unless 38 ends very quickly.

    • I'm in! I'll finally have the time to actually do this now

    • I need a break from GTW, my brains are fried.

    • Yeah, man. This last game was intense.

    • I am always available to host. If someone else wants to host, I will not take that away from them, but if nobody else wants to host, then I will gladly host. I am sure IC will approve of me more than he approves of Mack.

      Even if I am not hosting, I am always playing.

      This post has been edited by retep998 : 09 June 2012 - 08:37 PM

    • SoItBegins said he wanted to host this game before the last one started. He probably still does.

    • I'd love to host. I have an excellent idea!

      EDIT: Maybe I should wait until more peoples show up...

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 12 June 2012 - 12:55 AM

    • I'd be willing to jump back in for the next game.

    • So, in terms of people willing to play (or host), we have:

      SoItBegins (me; willing to host)
      retep998 (willing to host)
      Crow T. Robot
      and maybe Mackilroy.

      That's not really enough people for a game...

    • If you can wait until Monday, I'm in.

    • Yes SiB, I am playing. So that gives us six.

    • I'll play too, Monday soundalike a good time to start.

    • Monday it is!

      Current player roster:

      Crow T. Robot

      If anyone else wants to sign on, there's still time 🆒

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 15 June 2012 - 08:37 PM

    • Well crap, it turns out I can't play because I'll be out of town next week. You'll have to take me off the role call, sorry guys.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 15 June 2012 - 11:34 AM

    • OK. The game starts tonight.